Information on how to Fly a bunny

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Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys!!

I decided that creating a version of "Trixie's Travels" that contained only information, and only the information-containing replies in that thread would be a good idea, so people reading it for the information ONLY could get just that. :)

This information is from the following thread:

All information is from my experience in flying a bunny from New York to here in California. It contains everything; from my phone calls to airlines, to her landing here and her response to the whole thing.

Enjoy!! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 14th, 2007

Hey guys!

I thought I would chronicle how Trixie came into our lives (which we're in the middle of the process of), that way if anybody ever has the opportunity/need to fly a bunny somewhere, they know what to do, where to go, what to expect, etc. Since we're in the middle of it, I'll give a little background, and a bit of information as to how we got to this point.

So, since the beginning of Denise (TrixieRabbit) deciding she had to rehome Trixie (see the thread here:, we both expressed how much we wanted Trixie to come and live here with me and my girls, and how frustrating that she had to be so far away, etc. But the more we got to talking about it, the more we realized that it is, indeed, do-able.

At first, we thought that we would have to figure out how to transport her via different people using their cars, but we figured that it would take at least a week, and would more than likely cause much undue stress upon Trixie (which is something we wanted to avoid as much as possible).

So, my next thought was to PM a couple of people that I thought might know what to do, if anything could be done in this situation (or if it was just not a good idea). What we quickly found out, was that Carolyn has done this before (I think either I didn't see her post, or it was before my time on the forum) via airplane.Wow! We had no idea that it could be done! :woohoo

So, the next thing to do was call around to find out not only which airlines could do this, but which ones would be most suitable to a bunny, any restrictions, the prices (though, ultimately, we would have gone with the most expensive one if it meant she would get the best treatment), and what we would need to do.

To be perfectly honest, I have only called one airline, and it was the one that both Denise and I, as people, have had the best experience with and really liked. The next thread portion will outline what we found out.
Posted: Sun Jan 14th, 2007


The first thing I thought of in thinking about calling airlines,was checking out what they had to say online. Each airline has their own site, and sections about each part of air travel.

Each site lists various restrictions, such as weather temperatures, food restrictions, weight restrictions, etc., as well as listing what's required. The one thing common to each airline is that the animal must have some sort of Health Certificate (obviously, something saying the animal is in good health...each airline has a different time period they require this to be within), and their carrier/kennel must be airline-certified.

From the sites I've been to in researching this out, each animal cargospace is pressurized, and normally temperature-controlled to be within the range of 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

I went to their site, checked out all the things I mentioned in the above post, and copied down their phone number. Then, Denise and I worked out what we would like to ask the airlines (in accordance to both of our various concerns), and I called them up.

Here were the questions I asked:

1. What are your total fees for shipping animal cargo (which is what this is), after all is said and done? (Their websites all say a base price for shipping animal cargo, but I've found that many places usually have another couple of fees that aren't mentioned that go on top of that...and since Denise and I were going half and half on all fees for this, we needed an actual, total price.)

2. What is the timing for reservations? (Each website had it's own requirements for an acceptable time period during which you can make reservations for animal cargo, due to weather restrictions during certain times of year, which I'll get to below.)

3. Do the animals get food and water service? Will they each be checked up on during their flight?

4. What about layovers? How long can they be? Where do the animals go? Will they be checked up on in this situation?

5. What is allowed to be with the animal in it's carrier?

6. What sort of ID, etc. is required upon pickup of the animal once it's arrived?

7. What sort of documentation/paperwork will be required in order to be able to ship the animal via cargo (like the Health Certificate)?

8. Is the animal cargo space temperature-controlled (since some of the sites didn't specify completely, and more for our peace-of-mind)?

9. What are the weather restrictions (each airline is different on this)? How can we tell for a cross-country trip?

10. Do you have any additional guidelines for me?

The my next post.
Posted: Sun Jan 14th, 2007


So, in talking to the airline we decided to go with, I found out the following answers:

1. What are your total fees for shipping animal cargo(which is what this is), after all is said and done? (Their websites all say a base price for shipping animal cargo, but I've found that many places usually have another couple of fees that aren't mentioned that go on top of that...and since Denise and I were going half and half on all fees for this, we needed an actual, total price.) There is an additional $20 required for the Airway bill. I also asked her if we would be able to ship Trixie's cage (broken down and in a sealed box) along with her in the cargo area, but she said that, for that particular airline, we would have to open a cargo account with them (which would be a lot of additional money, and is something businesses do when they have a lot of cargo to send on a regular basis...more on this later).

2. What is the timing for reservations? (Eachwebsite had it's own requirements for an acceptable time period duringwhich you can make reservations for animal cargo, due to weatherrestrictions during certain times of year, which I'll get tobelow.) Reservations could be made for this particular airline anywhere from same-day to one week in advance. She also mentioned that Denise would have to get there 2hrs before the flight in checking her in.

3. Do the animals get food and water service?Will they each be checked up on during their flight? Yes, they would get food and water service (and required that you sign paperwork attesting to the fact that the animal has eaten within 4hrs of the flight). You also provide the animal's food and water (along with the containers for such that would be in with the animal). Yes, they are checked up on quite often.

4. What about layovers? How long can theybe? Where do the animals go? Will they be checkedup on in this situation? She answered that layovers are possible, but that the animal would be travelling for no more than a day, total. They try to minimize layovers wherever possible, but sometimes it's unavoidable. She also mentioned that they are supervised the entire time they are in a layover.

5. What is allowed to be with the animal in it'scarrier? I asked specifically if we could have hay in with Trixie, and a water bottle a fixed to the front of the carrier, and she said that would be just fine. She also said that they allow something comfy to be in with the animal to lay on.

6. What sort of ID, etc. is required upon pickup of the animal once it's arrived? The very sweet lady I spoke to mentioned that upon checking Trixie in, Denise would be given an AirwayBill Number, which she would then pass on to me, and I would need that, combined with a picture ID, to pick Trixie up.

7. What sort of documentation/paperwork will be required in order to be able to ship the animal via cargo (like the Health Certificate)? A Health Certificate will be required, and must be within 10 days of the flight. Also, the above-mentioned signed paperwork attesting to the fact that the animal has eaten within 4hrs of the flight.

8. Is the animal cargo space temperature-controlled (since some of the sites didn't specify completely, and more for our peace-of-mind)? Yes, it is temperature controlled, and pressurized.

9. What are the weather restrictions (each airline isdifferent on this)? How can we tell for a cross-countrytrip? I didn't specify exactly the first portion of this question, but she told me that the moment we called in to make the reservation, they should know if there are any weather restrictions. Thus, the reason for reservations not allowing to be made more than one week in advance.

10. Do you have any additional guidelines for me? I actually didn't ask this question, either, as she had so completely answered everything else for me.

So, after all that, Denise and I decided to go ahead and use United Airlines (from whom all the above answers came).

As far as Trixie's cage, we decided that Denise would just break itdown, put it all in a box, and mail it to me, and we would split the cost of postage half-way.

Now that all that has been outlined, on to how the plan works, and what we've done so far! :D
Posted: Sun Jan 14th, 2007


Okay, so the chronicle continues...

In trying to figure out a timeline of how things should proceed (timingis crucial for things), we figured out the timeline to be the following:

1. Mail the cage, and figure out its approximate deliverydate, so I can have her cage all set up with her things by the time shegets here.

2. Going by that date, arrange a flight for her.

3. Then, going by the flight date (and allowing a few extradays, if needed), schedule the vet visit for her Health Certificate.

4. Just be sure everything is all set up, and put together...and send her on over! :)

Thursday, Denise went ahead and mailed Trixie's cage. Here'sthe total of things thus far as far as how much all this is going tocost.

Airline ticket for Trixie: $159 total (I don't know where the extra cost came from, from the $120 they quoted me)

Vet visit for Trixie's Health Certificate: $45

Mailing the cage: approx $38

So, there you have the totals, guys. Yes, it costs some goodamount of money to transport her and her things, but in the beginningshe and I agreed that the cost was worth it, as the whole thing will beMUCH less stressful than a car drive that stretches across probablyover a week of the cost is worth it to both of us.

As far as Trixie's flight, we're planning on next Saturday (the 20th)being her flight date. The only thing that would hold us backis the weather (which has gotten quite colder lately, so it could be anobstacle), but I have a feeling things will work out just fine.

The post office said Trixie's cage would take 5-7 business days to gethere, so it might arrive JUST before she does, or just after, dependingon the timing of things. The package containing her cage hasa tracking number (I'm not sure what the technical term for it wouldbe, but we did it so we could be able to tell just what was going onwith it), and I've been checking up on it.'s hoping the weather warms up a bit, or is okay for her to fly in!! :D

Hugs to all!! :)


P.S. If you guys wanted to check out United Airlines' siteinformation about Travelling with Animals, here are a few helpful links:

Travelling with Animals:,6722,51255,00.html

Restrictions and guidelines:,6722,1048,00.html

Kennel requirements:,6722,1049,00.html

Also, if you want their number, it's 800-UA-CARGO.
Posted: 16 Jan 07

Well, bad news....

Looks like the weather dropped sufficiently that our girl won't be able to catch her flight on Saturday...:grumpy

I'm totally bummed...but keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed thatnext weekend (or even possibly during the week) it'll warm up enoughthat she can just come on over.

Argh...and just yesterday, I got all excited at the prospect at only having to wait four more days. :(

But...I guess it's not all bad. This way we'lldefinitely have her cage by the time she arrives, and it buys us a bitmore time to put that part of the house together for her. Westill have to buy the mounting thingy to put the TV up on the wall(it's not a flat-screen...we're going to buy one of those mountingthingies to put it up), and set it all up, so it's okay, in all....

:grumpy...combinedwith the head cold I woke up with, this day is just NOT starting outright.

Argh...darn Winter!! Normally I LOVE winter...but for somereason, it's just dampening my spirits this year. :(
Posted: Wed Jan 24th, 2007

Well, guys, I haven't yet called today, but yesterday when I called,there were still weather restrictions. I'll call in a minute,but when I talked to Denise yesterday, she mentioned that it wassupposed to snow there this weekend. :(

As far as my daughter, she's six...and is simply wonderful!:) I love homeschooling her, though there are times whereit's obviously challenging. When she feels she cannot dosomething, it becomes quite a block to her learning I'm tryingto figure out how to change things up a bit to go aroundthat. She's having a hard time in math. Thefrustrating thing is that I can see she gets it...she just doesn'trealize it, really, so she assumes when she sees something, it's toohard, and she just won't understand/be able to learn how to do it.

She can easily do two-digit math (not carrying quite yet...that'snext), and is a really great problem-solver in math...but she sees aproblem on the board, and basically panics a bit. So, I brokeout the many dice I have, and we did some math that way (adding up whatshe rolled), and she did PHENOMINALLY!!

It's just helping out her confidence, really. :)

Anyway, hopefully there'll be a break in the weather for next weekend...:pleaseplease:
Posted: Wed Jan 24th, 2007

I just called...still weather restrictions. I'm wondering ifmaybe we should set up to have someone drive her to another state(obviously closeby, and one that doesn't have weather restrictionscurrently), and then fly her from there?

Any ideas?
Posted: Wed Jan 24th, 2007 if I were able to find transport for her from NY toyou...would you be willing to give her kisses and put her on a plane tome? (Obviously Denise and I would figure out compensation forall involved, and include the money for the ticket, what to do forthis, etc.)
Posted: Wed Jan 24th, 2007

Oh my gosh!! I just got so excited I spilled mytea!! (The good thing is, I actually managed to spill it ontoa pile of napkins, hehe!)

Wow...Ok, I've PM'd someone I think can help with the transport. ;) Let's see what he says...

When would you be able to do this? Saturday or Sunday???
Posted: Wed Jan 24th, 2007

*gasp* Oh my gosh...I'm so excited...I hope this all works together well...

My husband's birthday is Sunday...wouldn't it just be too funny if he got a Trixie for his birthday? HEHE!!!


I hope that somebody I PM'd comes online soon, so we can see if he can help.......:pleaseplease:
Posted: Wed Jan 24th, 2007

I'm trying to reach Denise right now to see if she can drive Trix toStamford to you...I think they're on another call, lol!! Whattiming! :rofl:
Posted: Wed Jan 24th, 2007

Yep...just got off the phone with them, and there are currently noweather restrictions from Bradley airport!!:happydance :woohoo

I also just tried Denise again, but she's just sat down to eat dinner,so she'll call me when she's done. Gotta let the pregnantlady eat!! :D


Anyway, I think when I mention this to her, she'll probably be able todrive Miss Trixie over to Stamford. It's a 2hr drive for her,but she'll probably be willing so that Trixie can get here faster.

The timing will be are we going to figure out thetiming?? I guess we'll figure out what time avail flightsare, and then take it from there, right?
Posted: Wed Jan 24th, 2007

Oh my...I'm literally crying... Denise just called, and said that since Bradley Airport is inHartford, if they're going to drive so close, they might as well justtake her directly to the airport.

She can't call the airline right this minute, but she's going to callas soon as she can, and see what flights are available for Saturday orSunday!!!


WAHOO!! I can't believe it!! I'm literally cryingin happiness!! I'm gonna get my Trixie thisweekend!!

:shock: WOW!! That was all so fast, but isn't thatthe best way? Wow...I'm's all so exciting andwonderful...I'm totally crying now. Too bad we don't have asmiley that's HAPPY crying...hehe!

After all this planning and calling around and's allpaying off, and I couldn't be happier. Thank you SO MUCH foryour idea, paved the way to the perfectsolution! :D

:bunnydance::bunnydance: I'm gonna get my bunny...I'm gonna get my bunny...!!!!!
Posted: Wed Jan 24th, 2007

Okay, not so good news...

Denise tried to set up the flight, and though there are no weatherrestrictions for CT, the flight would have to layover in Chicago, whichDOES have restrictions. my only other thought is to figure out maybe driving hersouth...and flying her from on EARTH would we arrangethat???

So now I'm torn between trying to drive her south and then flying, ortrying to work with United Airlines to see if they can go another route.

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