If you go onto the BRC website they have all their standards listed on the site, but to save you some trouble, here is the standard for french lops. I'm not 100% on adult age classification but i know that my frenchlop girl didn't stop growing until nearly a year old!!!
[align=center]FRENCH LOP
[/align][align=center]Ring Size H
1)Type -30
2)Head, Crown, Ears & Eyes -35
3)Coat -15
4)Condition -10
5)Colour -10
[/align][align=center]Total -100[/align]
As large as possible. Minimum adult weight kg 4.54 (approx. 10 pound) No maximum weight for adults or u/5months.
[/align][align=left]Massive, thickset and firm. The body should be short, broad and well muscled,with linle visible neck. The line of the back rises in a curve to a well muscled rump which is short and well rounded. The chest is broad and deep providing curved sides where it meets the shoulders which are broad and strong. The front legs are thick, short and straight. The legs are short, strong, powerful and the hind legs carried parallel to the body. The tail is straight, strong and well furred. A small dewlap is permissible in bucks but is not favourable dewlaps larger in does.[/align]
[align=center]HEAD, CROWN, EARS AND EYES:
HEAD: Well developed particularly in bucks. Good width between eyes. Full cheeks and broad muzzle are desirable
CROWN: The basal ridge of the ears should appear prominent across the top of the skull.
EARS: Should be broad, thick, well furred and rounded at ends. They should be carried close to the cheeks, giving a horse-shoe like outline when viewed from the front. The inside of the ears should not be visible from any angle when carriedcorrectly. The ears are not measured. EYES: Round and bright.
COAT: Roll-back, dense with plenty of guard hairs. legs and pads to be well furred.
CONDITION: Condition to be firm and healthy.
FAULTS: Poorly muscled, lacking firmness,loose skin over hind legs. Body too long and/or too lean. Head not sufficiently characteristic of the breed. Pimpled or damaged ears. Poor ear carriage. Crown not developed. Fly back coat. Bowed or splayed legs. Excessive white hairs in coloured exhibits, white tail in sooty fawn and putty noses (excessive white hairs in nose and top lip)
DISQUALIFYING : Adult weight under kg 4.54(101b). Malocclusion of teeth. White toe nails in coloured exhibits
[align=center]COLOURS SELF[/align]
WHITE - As pure white as possible. Eyes ruby red or blue
BLACK - A deep lustrous solid black carrying well down to the skin with blue or slate undercolour. Eyes dark hazelor black.
BROWN - Dark brown carried well down hairshaft. Slate blue undercolour. Eyes brown
BLUE - Deep solid slate blue to carry well down hair shaft. Eyes dark blue.
[align=center]AGOUTI PATTERN[/align]
AGOUTI - A rich chestnut shade with black ticking over an intermediate orange band and dark slate under colour.Belly and under tail white with slate undercolour.
CHINCHILLA - The undercolour to be dark slateblue at base, intermediate portionpearl (slate to be wider than peal)with black narrow line edging to be clearly defined.Top grey brightly ticked with black hairs. Even or wavy ticking admissible. Neck fur lighter.
OPAL - Top colour pale shade of blue over an intermediate fawn band and slate undercolour. Belly colour white withs late undercolour.
SOOTY-FAWN (Madagascar or Tortoiseshell) -Rich orange saddle gradually shading to a blue/black on the flanks,haunches and belly. 'Points' bluish/black. Top colour to go well down fur with a bluish-white undercolour.
SIAMESE SABLE- Medium: Rich sepia on ears, face, back, outside of legs and upperside of tail shading to paler undercolour. Saddle to carry well down the flanks, shading to a paler colour on lower flanks and belly. Dark colours to shade off from eyes to jaw, to blend with chest and flanks. Dark colour on back to extend to tail. Chest to be same colour as flanks. Alt blending to be gradual avoiding blotchiness. Eyes to have a distinct ruby glow.
Light: As Medium but colour to be rich sepia.
Dark: As Medium but colour to be very rich dark sepia.
[align=center]ANY OTHER COLOUR:[/align]
ORANGE - Rich orange free from ticking. belly white. White or cream undercolour. Eyes hazel.
FAWN - Bright golden fawn carried well down the flanks, shading to a white belly. Colour to go well down fur with a white undercolour. Excessive black/blue guard hairs a fault.
STEEL - Dark steel grey merging to a slate blue undercolour.Medium bright and evenly ticked with black guard hairs. Belly colour lighter shade but evenly blended. Eyes deep hazel. Brown grey or agouti colours in mix a major fault, white belly disqualification.
BUTTERFLY - Pattern to be white and any other allowed colour. The white markings around the nose to be such that leaves a distinct butterfly smut or as the shading on the sooty fawn. Ears to be coloured. The white should extend upwards from the chin and chest over the shoulders with two spots one each side on the shoulders called shoulder spots. A small 'V' on the shoulders is permissible. No white to be present in the general body colouring. The belly to be white but teat spots permissible.
[align=center]ANY OTHER COLOUR -[/align]
[align=left]Any colour or pattern which conforms to the colour or pattern of recognised breeds.[/align]
FAULTS - Too many white hairs on nose and top lip DISOUALIFICATIONS - Putty nose.