Well-Known Member
One of the ND bucks I'm taking in on Mother's Day has maloclussion (sp?) and I didn't know if anyone had any experience with the now-recommended incisor removal surgery? Does anyone know about how much it costs?
When I adopted by bunny Pim, 3 and a half years ago he also had malocclusion. His breeder was also going to cull him if she didn't adopt him out =( Your vet will probably want to file his teeth for a while (mine filed Pim's every 2-3 months for almost a year). Sometimes once they are filed properly, they may have a chance to line up properly. Pim's never lined up properly and the vet suggested having his incisors removed as it would be better for him in the long run. He had the surgery 2 and a half years ago. I believe the total bill came to about $250-$300. It was totally worth it, though. He's a much happier bun now.One of the ND bucks I'm taking in on Mother's Day has maloclussion (sp?) and I didn't know if anyone had any experience with the now-recommended incisor removal surgery? Does anyone know about how much it costs?
I'm not sure about the price since it was so long ago (I want to say around $250) but my bunny Max had them removed. His was due to a dental abscess at the base of one..since they had to remove one tooth they figured the grinding down would be a stress so they removed all four incisors and the peg teeth. Max was great and ate normally after the surgery. He would pick things up with his lips and chew with his incisors.
I think it's a cost/benefit situation. Talk to your vet to see how much trims cost and then try to decide how many he will need per year plus the stress of the vet visit.
If it were me, I think I would bring him home and see how his teeth are over the course of a few months before I made such a big decision..some bunnies only need them trimmed very rarely and others as often as once a month.
Best wishes!