In what way do you fulfill a rabbits digging instinct? What do they like to dig in? Sand? paper shreds? How deep?

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I always used a cardboard box, lined with layers of newspaper on the bottom, and wads of crumpled newspaper to dig around and shred.

I used the cardboard box so I could toss it when it became too soiled, which it was prone to from my rabbits deciding it made a good litter box. The newspaper liner was to toss out when it became soiled. And using newspaper for my rabbits wasn't a problem because they didn't really try and eat it (more than little nibbles), and were mostly interested in shredding. My current rabbit likes chewing and destroying grass mats.

Not many other good options for indoors. Maybe kiln dried pine/aspen shavings or horse quality grass hay. But those too run the risk of becoming a litter box. Soil or peat moss are options too, though better for outdoors. A fleece blanket on the floor can sometimes be fun for them to dig on and rearrange, though you have to watch for the peeing element, any loose strings or pieces getting consumed (gut blockage risk), and holes getting chewed into it (tangle risk for their feet). Don't use sand (why not, covered in the link below).

Anything you use, you have to run through the filter of 'will it be safe if my rabbit chews or eats it'. So chemical free and doesn't pose a risk if consumed. Paper could even be an issue, as excessive amounts consumed can sometimes pose some risk of a gut blockage. So in this case, natural substances would be a better choice, like soil (free of contaminants), peat moss, hay, etc.
First time bunny owner in 2 months, looking to be extra prepared. (Holland Lop)
I keep a very densely woven towel folded up on the end of my couch. My bunny seems to know that the towel is for digging, so when she starts to dig in the upholstery, I just throw it open and draw her attention to it.

VIDEO: bunny digging.mp4