in or out???

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Oh man, My guys would definitely miss the plush carpeting and air conditioning :)

They love it indoors and wouldnt have it any other way. Mr Tumnus will jump on the couch with me when Im eating my cheerios in the morning (he knows he will get a little treat for being so cute). Basil and Max like to be my alarm clock..they usually jump up on the bed around 7 if Im not up yet.."mommy, time for our breakfast" :)

sam wrote:
i live in Ireland they are used to outside, they have there own luxury shed with plenty of room when i bring them in they get too hot we have central heating and open fires:bunnydance:

I live in Ireland too:highfive::magicwand::boohoo

My Coinín (irish for Rabbit) lives indoors in my bedroom...I think it would be too cold outside because he is used to indoors!:brownbunny
Mine live outside in hutches and runs. But they get full run of the garden during the day. In the afternoons they come inside on leads as my house isnt bunny proof.

One Q though.... Why is there an option for 'Other'? Surely its either one or the other, inside or outside??? :?

Well some people have both indoor and outdoor rabbits. I mean, some people take them outside in the summer and leave them inside in the winter.
Well, I chose "other" because ours live inside and outside. We keep them in the barn when the weather is mild and indoors when its too hot or too cold.

The sacrifice I and the rabbits have to make inraising Flemish Giants is that they have to live outside in the garage.I can brag all day about how its very nicely ventilated and it nevergets very cold in the winter or very warm in the summer but If I couldthey would all live inside with me :D, that's the best place for pets,inside with you.

However the sick buns do come inside and that works out very nicelybecause we have never had more than two rabbits sick at a time. In thesummer we made very sturdy pens to sit in the grass so everyone couldget outside and romp in the grass. I know rabbits do best inside whereit is safe BUT I have never seen a rabbit happier when it is in thegrass running around and eating clover! :runningrabbit:

I can understand about not keeping the flemishesinside... I mean, having a whole bunch of breeding flemishes insidewould be a bit much. Unless, of course, you had a personal wing of thehouse for them and their own maid :D I've only ever met one breeder whokeeps her bunnies outside... she was a small breeder of holland lops,and I think she only had 30 holes or so. They had two bedrooms of herhouse, really nicely and effectively decorated.

Miffy and Cordie are indoorbunnies. They are in the living room but off to the side sothey can be part of the action but have their own quiet space to. Theircages are side by side and they love the attention they get from beingin the living room. :)
My rabbits live outside but it's only because mymum won't let them live in the house!:XThough they live in aconverted playhouse so the have plenty of space. I bring themin almost every evening for a few hours.:)
Mine live both outdoors and indoors. In thewinter they need to come inside, as the temps drop to extreme lows(-35C is average for mid-January), and poor Raph's loppers would becomeearsicles! Their outdoor cage also isn't designed for the extremecold...the hutch part is inside a shed, but it isn't adequatelyinsulated for the dead of winter. They also come indoors when the tempsgo the other way, and it soars to 30+C. But for the milder weather,they love being in an outdoor hutch. They get to run free in the yardwhen I'm outside, and they love it! The only ones who don't are my twocats, who curse under their breath in cat dialect whenever Raph isroaming...he has 'catdar' built in, and will hone in on them when theyleast expect it, doing a rabbit slam maneuver that would impress themost seasoned WWFer...:?
Mine live indoors, i have an outside hutch theycan go in when were outside but it's much to hot in Florida, i wouldn'twant to leave them outside. Can you imagen them braving a hurricaneoutside poor things.
Tina and Turbo have a cage right in the livingroom. Have to go through LR to get to rest of house. They roam freeabout 2-4hrs each day. When loose they can roam in the LR/dining roomand up the stairs to the 2nd floor hallway.

I attempted to put a harness on Tina but she did not like it! Ate notonly through the harness but bit through a cord at the same time! nopeno more leashes/harnesses for them. The only way they get outside iswhen we clean their cage.

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