I had an issue with this yesterday. At worksomeone found a dove on the ground, so of course it was brought to me.I examined it for broken bones and found none, but her vent was verydirty and shecannont sit up straight. Because it was gettingrather coldIset it up with some food and water in abox and then remebered that I shouldn't have touched it cause I have acockatiel at home! (That's what I get for being a softie).
Anyways, I drove to my parents house after work and took a shower,borrowed some clothes and then went home to my babies. Today when Ihandle the dove I'll remember to wear my lab coat and gloves! (I workin a lab).
Unfortunally, no one can take her home for the weekend so I may have torelease her at the end of my shift, I can't take the risk of infectingmy birds by caring for her. But I'll keep bugging my coworkers to takeher home.