Ima Crazy Bunny Mommy!

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Loppy Earred Mom

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Ok on any normal forum or even my friends I wouldnever share this with anyone other then the people that live in my homesince they have all witness me doing this but I have to share with youthe new game that Stitch and I play.

I have posted in the past that I take a paper towel roll and toss it toStitch and she tosses it and we take turns til she getsbored.

Well I was sitting on my living room floor watching her bounce aroundthe apartment then I got on all fours and hopped around the apartmentwith her. At first she just kinda watched me thinking what astrange human Im sure. Then she started following me as Ihopped around she hopped right behind me and when I stopped I put myhead down and she hopped around to the front of me and nudged me withher nose.

We played this game most of the day and I kept telling my husband LOOKDEAR she follows me. And my son has recently moved back homeand he walked out of his room and said "mom what the heck are youdoing?" I said Look watch Stitch... He just shook his head and walkedaway giggling but my son is used to me being wierd.

So anyway I hopped around over to her ball and pushed the ball over toher with my nose and she pushed it back at me then ran off behind me.

It was SO CUTE well to me I kept laughing and then I would sit up everyonce in a while she's hop over to me and let me give her a YOUR SO CUTEI LOVE U HUG!

Anyway now you know Ima wierd bunny mommy and if you haven't done this try it see if you get the same response its adorable!

lol i havent gotten down on the floor to do it,but me and mr licks sometimes have little chase sessions! i'll sort ofwalk/hop across the floor at him, then away from him and he just goesinto a happy bunny grand prix around the living room full of binkieslol!
i used to run at Bunbun, take a flying leap, andstomp down right in front of him. He'd flip his ears at me, wiggle, andcharge! we used to chase each other all over.

Bub's not as good at it...but gettin' there!

That is such a cutestory! My husband and kids would never let me live that down if theycaught me doing that! :shock:they already tell everyone thatI'm a crazy bunny lady and that I made friends with bunny people on abunnywebsite!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that is a fantastic story!


That is why I only practice these rituals alone, or around people Iknow REALLY love me, and will not commit me :p (cause they understandof course)

Again thanks for the morning laugh

YAY see I thought it was maybe a little strangeof me and I thought hmm Ima post this on the site and see if the otherbunny mommies are just like me and they would completely understand!

AND YOU DO!!!!!!!!!

yeah I should ask my husband if he wants to hop around too with Chernish. He'll be pretty big bunny though. LOL

so adorable how they respond to attention.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
That is such a cute story! Myhusband and kids would never let me live that down if they caught medoing that! :shock:they already tell everyone that I'm acrazy bunny lady and that I made friends with bunny people on abunnywebsite!

I think in your case, Sebastian will probably learn to walk to be just like other people.
AnnaS wrote:
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
That is such a cute story! Myhusband and kids would never let me live that down if they caught medoing that! :shock:they already tell everyone that I'm acrazy bunny lady and that I made friends with bunny people on abunnywebsite!

I think in your case, Sebastian will probably learnto walk to be just like other people.
:shock:Don't give him any ideas!

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