I'm writing a childrens book

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom
I really like writing and I really want to get a book published so I have decided to do a series of books about bunnies with lots of almost lessons in that children from the age 2 to 4 want to know.

The first one is when Mummy Bunny has a new baby and Baby Bunny is upset etc becuase that is what usually happens. I got upset when my mum had Emily.

Hope it does good, if it does you will see my name in book shops woop!
Thats what I always do, so I started doing childrens they can be really short and their simple and fun to write!

I'll put the pics on when I'm finished.
Aw i can imagine it now the mama bun with her little dress and the baby bun wrapped up in a little white blanket :D
How cute!:)I would so love to be an author when I'm older, children's stories or adult, I don't care, I just love writing!

In fact I wrote 3 children's stories about my pets for part of my AS English language coursework last year. I had so much fun writing them as me and my mum always joke about what adventures we think our pets would getup towhen we weren't around so I got to really elaborate on those. It was also a nice way to commemorate my late bunny Ruby as I included her in the stories.:)They were also pretty damn good if I say so myself!:pIt wasa nice feelingthat my pets had helped me get a good mark as well.:) (Unfortunately our coursework this year isn't nearly as interesting. Boo.:grumpy: I love creating writing!)
I need a title.... Becuase I'm hoping to do quite a few of these books I want a title I can use for all of them then like a sub title underneath with the theme of that story.

Like the theme of this first one is called "New Baby Sister" But I want a title HElP!!

The characters are
Daddy bunny
Mummy bunny
Baby bunny very simple LOL
pinksalamander wrote:
Luv-bunniz wrote:
The bunny bookcase :p
I so just though of that! Well I thought of 'Bunnies from the Bookcase'. But I think I may have subconciously read your post then thought it just popped into my head LOL

See, thats it. I know what people are thinking..some of the time lol.
I'm a writer as well :) You should try submitting to magazines or journals, it's a good way to get your name out there.
I've had a few poems, short stories, and vignettes published that way :)
Good luck! Can't wait to see the illustrations! Get them up quick!!!! I like "Bunnies from the Bookcase"

Jess_sully wrote:
I'm a writer as well :) You should try submitting to magazines or journals, it's a good way to get your name out there.
I've had a few poems, short stories, and vignettes published that way :)
Awesome, thats really cool!!
I would love to have a read :p

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