I'm taking in an emergency rescue tonight...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Cleveland-area, Ohio, USA
I got an e-mail today from a close friend of mine telling me that her cousin (who I know) called her complaining about the "**** bunny" who was supposedly ruining her life. She's a severe alcoholic and drug addict, lost custody of her children, and is not willing to get help. The bunny was her childrens' pet and they had to leave him there because their father's apartment complex didn't allow pets - even small animals. Her kids have been with their father now for almost a year and she admitted today to feeding her bunny "once in a while" and giving him water "when she felt like it." No veggies, no hay, and no human contact or time out of his very small cage. She told her cousin (my friend) that she was just going to throw him out with the trash in the morning unless someone could take him. Taking him to a shelter was out of the question - for who knows what reason. The story I heard was worse than what I'm even sharing here and it left me and my friend in tears.

My friend can't take the bunny as she has a newborn with a lot of issues right now. It wouldn't be healthy for her baby and I respect that. So she called me. I told her I'd take the bunny in and take it from there, but that her cousin would have to bring him to me this evening as I can't drive for medical conditions and my mom was at school this afternoon and evening. She said she would, but who knows if she really will. I promised myself I'd call the cops if she didn't bring him here because I'd never be able to live with myself if I knowingly let her throw him away like a piece of garbage. I'm expecting her between now and 7:30pm and am hoping she pulls through because I don't want to have to contact the authorities. I just want the poor guy to be safe and sound.

My friend contacted her cousin's children and got some minimal information for me. They don't know any of what's going on so we couldn't push it when talking to them. He's about 5 years old, tan, and has been neutered. He was litter trained, but who knows if he's even had a clean environment (doubtful) let alone a litter pan. This whole thing is making me absolutely sick with worry.

I don't have any money this week since I just placed a huge order of hay and pellets. That means I have limited NIC panels to use. I created a make-shift 4x1 pen for the little guy and put some plywood on the bottom. I have a box with some litter and hay, a food dish, and a water bottle. It's not fancy and it's certainly not large enough, but it's the best I could do for this week. I'll be able to get everything else, including NIC panels, the beginning part of next week. Do you think he'll be okay until then? I feel guilty that I can't do more right now. But it's more important that he's safe, you know?

I just don't know what kind of shape he's going to be in. I called my vet andthey're not open tonight so we'd need to take him to the emergency vet if need be. I'm hoping he's well enough to wait until I can get an appointment mid-week, but what is...is.

Please tell me I'm doing the right thing...I feel so guilty...

- Alexah
You should not feel guilty at all, Alexah. Youre probably saving this little guy's life. Even if you can only take him temporarily until he can be rehomed or somethng its better than where he is now.

Im sure he'll be so happy to be in a safe place with food and water. Just try to keep it quiet for him as he'll probably be quite scared.

I guess you'll have to wait and see how he looks but did it sound like hes been eating and pooping? Give him lots of hay and just go from there.

You're in my thoughts. Please let us know if theres anything we can do to help. People make me so mad sometimes. :(Poor little guy.
Of course you are doing the right thing! A clean, safe environment is very important right now. It doesn't have to be the Taj Mahal! Let's hope she follows through and brings the rabbit over. I can't imagine how bad that rabbit has been treated over the last year. Poor baby.

Have patience, and know in your heart you are doing the right thing. We are behind you 100%!
Hey Alexah

Girl, give that bunny a nice warm home and food and water and ask that bunny if he would mind that pen compared to what he had :pI highly doubt he'd complain so don't beat yourself over it.

One thing I would recommend, and anyone can pitch in and let me know if this is wrong, but I would withold pellets tonight and give him plenty of hay and water in order to assess him and let him calm down. I would add small amounts of pellets over the course of a few days and gradually augment the amount. This is to avoid his stomach getting all upset if he has been on and off them so much. I bet with the stress he will already have a lot to deal with.

Keep us updated. Can you call animal control if she is a no-show?
He's here. I'm so relieved that she dropped him off. She didn't even knock, she just put him on my porch in a wicker laundry basket with a handful of what looks like hamster food. I saw her drop him off and run back out the door - I decided it was best not to confront her about anything.

He looks to be a tan and white dutch. Is tan an acceptable color? Well, I suppose it doesn't matter much. Anyway, he looks okay. He's a little on the thin side, but he doesn't look too bad. I put him in his temporary pen with some hay and water to see what he'd do. I decided to let him be for a half hour or so before going back in and checking him out.

He's adorable...he really is. I'll grab some pictures of him when I go back up there. I'm hoping he's alright. Prayers are appreciated. So far so good...let's hope it stays that way.

Any name suggestions? There was a note in his wicker basket with a 4-letter word as is name. He deserves better.

- Alexah
Poor little guy :(If hes a tan dutch his coloring is called "tort". I have a special place in my heart for dutches. Thank you for saving him.

I cant wait to see some pics. I myself love human names as you can probably tell. lol. Im sure once you get to know him a little something wll come to mind.

And I would go ahead and give him some pellets if you have some. Maybe mix in a little of his bad stuff he came with with some good pellets. And lots of hay and water!
You're doing such a wonderful thing, Alexah...it just warms my heart!

My advice: Keep him on a hay and water only diet for a good week before introducing pellets or anything else. He's going to need a total recalibration of his gut before he can handle eating anything else. He might have runny poops when you get him, but don't worry too much. It's probably just because he hasn't had NEARLY enough fiber, and it'll probably clear up within a couple days of a hay-and-water-only diet.

And don't worry about the small cage space...he'll feel so happy just being warm, safe, dry, and in a healthy, clean area...he won't notice the size! :)

You're donig everything wonderfully, Hun...don't worry.

Keep us posted on how he's doing, ok? :)

Hugs to you!!


P.S. Can't WAIT to see pictures of this little sweetheart!
Rosie and Ms. Binky, I really dont think pellets should be removed. I understand the need to normalize his GI tract if hes been on unhealthy pellets, but a total removal could, in my opinion, throw him off even more.

Is he pooping normally as far as you can tell, Alexah?

Ive had foster bunnies come to me on all sorts of nasty food and in all kinds of conditions. I think the worst think you can do is abrupty change their diet by taking away food. I would give him just a little bit of what he was on combined with a good healthy pellet and lots of hay and water. Then, over the course of 2 weeks, phase that pellet out gradually. I wouldnt give him any greens or treats for now, just lots of hay. Thats just my opinion and something I do with all my foster bunnies and its worked well so far.
Awww, poor little guy.... :(

I can think of a BETTER four lettername for him... Star! Because he must have been to put up with those horrible conditions for so long!

Thank you so muchfor taking him in, it's so nice to know that for every uncaring person in the world, there's a caring one, and the setup you have for him sounds more than enough, and certainly soo much better than he had before!

I'm looking forward to seeing pics of him :)

Jen xx
Well, I have pics! They're downloading now from my camera, so it should only be a few minutes.

I did manage to talk to my vet and he said not to remove pellets. I fed 1/8 cup of my pellets (he was given to me with a handful of hamster food). He also has hay and water. He hasn't peed or pooped since getting here, but I don't know that I should be worried yet. I've noticed that sometimes it takes a little while for them to get started once in a new situation.

He'll be with me for good. He's already managed to steal my heart. I had him out for pictures and to look him over and he melted in my arms and started licking my hand. I think he knows I rescued him and he's grateful.

He's a sweet little guy and it kills me that someone thought he was expendable and deserving of abuse.

Pics will be available as soon as I upload 'em on to Photobucket.

- Alexah
Aww...poor sweet little guy...

Yeah, I think they do know when they've been rescued, if only because from the moment they enter your home, they're treated like kings and queens compared to how they'd been treated before. It's gotta feel amazing to hear someone sweet-talking to you when you've been ignored for so long...

I can't wait to see his sweet self! :)
aww I'm so glad you took him in Alexah - people are so awful sometimes. I bet he is so happy to be somewhere safe & warm, where people are treating him well for once. Can't wait to see pictures.
Alrighty. I have about a zillion pictures of the cute little dude. Can you tell I love him like crazy already?!

Here he is, checking out his surroundings for the first time.


Already hopping around.


Eating some hay...



Kisses for me - he knows how to melt my heart.



Comfortable enough to groom himself, I see.


Resting and relaxing. I think he knows he's safe here.



Isn't he adorable?!

- Alexah

Oh Alexah - I'm sitting here crying about this poor bunny. He is so adorable - I read what you posted a while ago but couldn't bring myself to post anything 'cause I didn't have any real tips to share.

He looks so comfortable there - like he knows he'll be safe and loved. I'm so happy for him - and for you.

I hope you can keep him....but if not - give him lots and lots of snuggles while he's with you......

What a wonderful thing your doing for this little guy! He's adorable:D
What a lucky little guy! Can't you just imagine what he is thinking? He looks so happy and content already, he must think that he is in heaven!
OMG it literally breaks my heart to know someone has been neglecting him and was going to dump him. He is just beautiful.

I can tell he knows he's safe now. What alucky littleguy.

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