I'm such a bad mama, guys...Hobbes still not well

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Danny got a call back from the vet...they did get a successful urine sample, and he's ready for pickup. I told Danny to be sure that (a) we're not getting charged more than they said initially (since it's not our fault they couldn't get the urine sample, and had to keep him overnight, and (b) ask them how long it'll be before we can get some meds into him to start his healing process. I feel like the whole thing is wasted if we don't get some sort of meds for him ASAP. I'd like him to come HOME with them, though...so be praying.

I'm going to try to get more sleep...



P.S. MsBinky...thank you for your hugs. And thank you to everyone for your love and support. :)
*hugs* I'm glad he is coming home.

Please don't feel bad for leaving him there, you had to do what you had to do to make him ok. It would have been negligent to bring him home, so you did the right thing, no doubt about it :)

As for the kitty who died, the vets if like a hospital, you get people who die in hospitals because they can't be made better, but it is the place where people who are ill need to be to give them the best chance of being better.

Here if you need me.

Hey Rosie,

Just want to say that I've been thinking about you and Hobbes. Hoping everything would turn out okay. Glad he is okay, shew. You did catch this early. Please try not to beat yourself up. You did everything just right. You're a great mommy! Don't ever forget that.;)

Hugs to you and Hobbes:hug:
Hope your baby is home soon. One of my vets was telling me about a seminar he attended on fluoide in the water and urinary problems in cats. Apparently there are sme studies that show floride may cause urinary problems in cats. Since we moved out here 18 years ago and have well water (no fluoride), not a single cat has had urinary infections, crystals, etc. I'll have to ask Doc if there are any studies he can e-mail me or print out for me. If I get anything, I'll share.

Here is one article from Dr. Michael Fox, might be useful http://tedeboy.tripod.com/drmichaelwfox/id36.html

hm-m-m-m-m-m, I wonder if our well water contributes to the longevity of our rabbits?

Thank you so much, Crystal..it's so nice to know that someone's thinking of us, and praying for us. :)

SeniorCats...I actually had that thought last night...they just increased the amount of flouride in the tap water here, and it occurred to me last night that it's been just enough time since they raised the amount and him getting sick...

So, we were already thinking of getting him a cat fountain (and we just got an email from Petco for Maisie's birthday saying any online order of $20 or more gets free shipping), so we'll look for one that has a good filter. Any recommendations?

Should we also fill it with bottled water? If so, any particular brands better than others?

Thanks so much for your idea! :) We'll get this baby boy back in good health! :)

Edited to add: Was thinking of buying them this fountain, but just has a charcoal filter...that wouldn't filter out the flouride, would it? We'd still have to buy bottled water, huh?
Ok...Danny's going to be here with our darling boy in a short time. It took a while to get the meds (antibiotics) for him, and make sure they'd expressed his anal glands.

So, my baby boy will be home shortly, and I've got the vanilla ready! :)

We're also looking into giving him (Sunny won't touch it with a ten ft pole) a half-can of dry food each evening to increase his water consumption. That, or adding oyster juice to some dry food. Not sure which we'll go with...waiting for word back on thecatsite.com.


Edited to add: Just saw this that you can add to a Drinkwell fountain...hmm...that looks nice, and would probably help with digestion issues, right?

Poor sweetie peed ALL over himself in the car...to the point where his tail was dripping when he came out.

So I got a towel, and dried him as best as I could...got out the vanilla and put some on his neck (behind his head) and did the same with Sunny. She's ticked...he doesn't smell like himself right now and she's hanging out (by choice) in Em's room. I went ahead and closed the door to her room, so he could have time without the confusion of her hissing (which she is when she sees him...it'll take a couple days for her to be fully okay with him again).

I wiped her down with the same towel I used on Hobbes (with the side without any pee, but I ruffled the fur on his back a bit with it, so I could put the same smell on Sunny), and gave her some vanilla on her neck, as well...so it should expedite things as far as her chilling out about his difference in smell.

I've also wiped down his wet areas with some wipes I also use in grooming Sunny, so hopefully that'll lessen the amount of urine he's got on the surface of his fur. My poor baby boy...:(

Continue praying for my boy, guys...but at least he's home.

I'm gonna go sit on the couch with his favorite blankie, so he can lay with me. The good thing about that being that he already peed on it yesterday, so it won't hurt for him to again lay on it today.

Edited to add: he's bathing right now, which is a good sign...and he's also eaten a couple morsels of food since coming home...so I know my boy is in pretty good shape...now for the antibiotics...:)
Poor boy an d poor mama! I am so happy for all you that he is home. Bet he thinks he has been through a real kitty night mare.

About water - I know there is a big controversy about fuoridating water and I won't get into it here.Personally, Fluoride toothpaste makes me very nauseous so I switched to Tom's of Maine. We grew up without fluoride in our water and my teeth are rock hard - been know to break the dentist's diamond drill bits - and I rarely have dental problems.

Even though we have well water, we put in an in house water filtration system. The local Minnehahawater store installed. My Dh didn't like the taste of the well water and we use a salt based softening system.

Can't tell you which filters are best so I am going to put up a few links. Also, a lot of bottled water doesn't have the fluoride filtered out.

Cats and water - I think they drink more when the water is cool. Some cats like to have a second water bowl away from the food. If yours are like mine, they like 'sharing' water out our glasses.




I'm glad Hobbes is home:) Poor baby, it's ok we know you can't control your bladder right now :(

I like that fountain a LOT Rosie. I might steal that idea from ya. Dahmer loves running water.
Ok...I kinda gasped when I read your note (SeniorCats) that said that some bottled water still doesn't have the fluoride removed...but Danny bought reverse-osmosis kind of water. He made SURE that it didn't have fluoride (he's S-M-R-T :D), so we're good. Thank you SO MUCH for letting me know, though.

Thank you okiron for your love and support.

It's funny...we've been wanting to get that fountain for a long time now...and now we have an excuse! :D

You guys have all been so wonderful...you kept me hangin' onto hope!

And yes, SeniorCats...he sure was in survival mode when he got home...he only just relaxed about an hour ago...poor guy was SO on-edge...:(

But...he's doing great...and Sunny'll come around (she's still opting for Em's room over common space with him, so we set her up with the bottled water, some food, and her own box, so she won't be without what she needs). One thing about my babies...they're litter siblings that have never spent more than 12hrs away from each other. They have a real NEED for one another, so she'll come around. I venture to guess we'll have them reacquainted with one another by the time we go to bed. :)


ALI...Sunny had to spend last night in the bathroom. She's still freaked out about Hobbes not smellin' like Hobbes. Cats are funny that way...she's got the confusion of her brother being away for a night (which has only happened twice before...when both of them got altered...Hobbes at four months, and Sunny at six months...so she doesn't remember, most likely), and this kitty coming back that LOOKS like Hobbes, ACTS a bit like him (still calming down from the experience of being in alert mode that whole night), but SMELLS like a thousand other animals AND people. So, she's probably of the mindset that we took her brother away and brought in an imposter of some form.

I tried to hold her (which she loves...I used to cart her around in the front pocket of my overalls as a TINY baby kitty) and bring her out here. She seemed to be okay...until I sat down on the couch and put her hind feet ON my lap (she's heavy...kinda hard to hold her for more than ten minutes). She had been sorta growling as I held her fully...but once I put her down, she started a bit of kitty screamyness, and hissing...

I looked at her, to hopefully calm her down, and she smacked me in the face (claws were out, until she realized she'd hit human skin...then retracted them RIGHT away...lucky I trim their claws, or I would have scratches across my forehead right now), and it shocked me so much, I put her back in the back room. Wow...it was a pretty intense situation...and I needed some time for my own adrenaline to calm down.

Bottom line: she's VERY VERY scared...this is horribly scary for her, and the way kitties respond to fear is to FIGHT whatever's around, tooth and nail. She's a very calm, lovey-dovey girl...but when scared, she turns into a chainsaw with fur like buns can! (You should hear her scream when I tried to syringe her those antibiotics after her spay surgery...OH MY!)

Anyway, it'll take time...and a THOROUGH cleaning of all the surfaces Hobbes touched when he first came home. I'm pretty sure he's almost completely bathed away the foreign smells...but she can still smell it in the carrier he came home in (I haven't had a spare amount of time to clean it...I've been watching Hobbes and caring for him), so it'll take some cleaning of the floor and that carrier...which will happen here shortly.

As far as Hobbes...he's doing fine...MUCH improved, though still cried in the litterbox earlier...so still some progress to be made (obviously). He has this NICE vanilla smell about him. I keep calling him my big ol' ice cream kitty. :D (If you put a dab of natural vanilla extract on the back of the neck of a kitty, it helps to neutralize the smells they carried home from the vet's...I put a dab on each kitty...so they smell YUMMY!)

Bassetluv...the vet said it would take a few days...so we should know around Tuesday. But I venture to guess that he does indeed have an infection, as the antibiotics have helped TREMENDOUSLY already.

He's no longer licking his "ya knows" as frequently as he did before...he's no longer inappropriately peeing...that I've found...he's pretty sneaky, so ya never know, but it's not OBVIOUS. The day we took him in, he was peeing in places right near me, while looking at me...and he hasn't been doing that, so that's a good indicator. He does mew every now and then as he goes around the house, but I believe it's because he wants Sunny.

So, there ya go! Updates! :D

Thanks for asking, guys...it's nice to know we're thought of. This is taking a lot of my energy, as when one of my kids (or my husband) is sick, I give them every ounce of energy I've got. Danny took me out to eat last night, and we took Em to see Alvin and the Chipmunks (which made her squeal, hehe), and we had to put Sunny in the back of the house while gone...but it was nice to get out of the house and do something fun. :)


He's no longer licking his "ya knows" as frequently as he did before...he's no longer inappropriately peeing...that I've found...he's pretty sneaky, so ya never know, but it's not OBVIOUS. The day we took him in, he was peeing in places right near me, while looking at me...and he hasn't been doing that, so that's a good indicator. He does mew every now and then as he goes around the house, but I believe it's because he wants Sunny.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! Sounds like Hobbes is on his way to a full recovery (still crossing fingers, toes, and paws here though...until he is totally back to himself). :pray:

(Every time I see a pic of your dear Hobbes I'm reminded of my Tiger, who I lost several years ago. I know, I mentioned it before...but really, they could've been twins...wish I had a digital photo of him, I'd show you. :))

And I'm glad to hear you got out and had a fun evening Rosie! And that Em enjoyed the movie! (LOL...I love it when kids are having so much fun they squeal. :biggrin2:)

Aww...well, I'm happy that Tiger lives on in my boy. What was Tiger like (if you don't mind my asking...I don't want to make you sad...)?

YES...Em was so cute...she laughed SO HARD through the movie, hehe!

And it was so nice to get some fresh air...:)

I'm proud of my kitties...I just opened the hallway door (that separates the front, where Hobbes has been, and the back where Sunny's been), and he keeps venturing into her "turf"...so I know it's just a matter of time until the situation gets handled. They have a STRONG need for one another, being litter siblings, and never leaving one another's side. They have a stronger bond than any other kitties I've ever seen, so I know it'll work out and their need for each other will override Sunny's fear.

Things are happening now, though! She's come up to him and growled to remind him she's the Alpha Kitty...and he just laid there, thumping his tail in agreement...but she's come up to HIM twice, which is WONDERFUL!

Gotta go! Things a-happenin' with the kitties! :D
Things are happening now, though! She's come up to him and growled to remind him she's the Alpha Kitty...and he just laid there, thumping his tail in agreement...but she's come up to HIM twice, which is WONDERFUL!

Sounds like they'll soon be back to normal...it's not taking them long at all to adjust! :)

Tiger was a big (just slightly overweight) mackerel tabby with a white bib on his chest, and a white blaze, white nose, white toesies on the front and long white kneesocks on the back. ;) He was extremely docile and tended to live 'in the background', never one to demand attention or complain. I purchased him as a tiny kitten from a pet shop to keep my longtime cat, Snooch, company. And I never thought I'd grow all that attached to Tiger at first, but he managed to fanagle his way into my heart. He was the peacemaker of the family...if my son and I had a disagreement and one (or both) of us raised our voice - not shouting, just getting upset - within moments Tiger would come running into the room. He'd plant himself at our feet and cry, looking at both of us, asking us to please stop arguing and get along nicely. It took me several times before I actually noticed he was doing this, and once I did it just melted my heart. (LOL...sometimes my son and I would turn on some music and sing/dance loudly, and Tiger would do the same thing...so I guess he was part artistic critique as well.) Then I began to notice that if the dog was barking and upsetting Snooch, Tiger would rush in and start meowing loudly. If Kaya still barked, Tiger would go to plan B...he'd get behind Kaya, grab one of her hind legs and nip, then dash off quickly. He absolutely hated quarrels of any kind, be they human or animal, and did whatever he could to intervene.

When Snooch passed away from cancer, Tiger was beyond himself with grief. He paced the apartment for 3 days and nights, calling out for his friend. It tore at me because not only was I mourning Snooch, a cat who was not unlike Raph to me...very close...but I could do nothing to ease Tiger's pain, or explain to him why his best friend had to leave. Eventually, as we all do, he did let go of the mourning, and whenever a new animal came into our home, Tiger was the first to greet them...never once did I see him hiss or get upset with a newcomer. He was an extremely amiable soul.

Tiger passed away several years ago after we discovered he had a cancerous tumor on his lower jaw. The vet removed it, but it grew back within a couple of months, and his health went downhill extremely rapidly. I kept him home for as long as I could before finally deciding he'd had enough, and took him to be euthanized. Surprisingly, though Tiger had bonded closely with my little cat Tasha (who came into our lives a couple of years after Snooch passed away), it wasn't Tasha who came to his side when he was ailing. It was my dog Kaya. She doesn't really care for cats (so she likes to pretend), but when Tiger was sick and could barely get out of his bed, Kaya would go over and lie down beside him, or walk up to him, smell his head and wag her tail. Funny how animals are; you just don't know sometimes how close they can be to one another until they're separated, or one becomes ill.

Anyway, that was Tiger...some day I'll get a photo of him scanned to show you Rosie. For a cat from a pet shop who no one thought was 'anything special', he certainly was.

Bless your Hobbes, Rosie...he's such a sweet boy, and I'm so glad he's beginning to feel better...:hug:
OH WOW!! Tiger sounds SO MUCH like Hobbes...he does the same thing...settles arguments. He's definitely our caring, there-when-you-cry boy. He'll sit there and look as adorable as possible, and cry til you pet him if you're crying or upset. And he'll do the same thing of crying until you stop arguing. It's so sweet!

So...update: They got SO CLOSE to sniffing noses successfully a moment ago! :biggrin2: I'm so excited...they're SO CLOSE to being rebonded...it's so neat! I love my babies...

Things are happening so nicely, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they were bonded again by the time we go to bed. Poor kitties won't have to be separate again...:)

Hobbes just went into Sunny's house in Em's room (house built by blankets by Em), and Sunny didn't hiss or growl!

He was only in a short time, and they didn't sniff noses or anything...but the fact that she let him in such a small space, and didn't growl or hiss...that's HUGE!!

They'll be just fine in NO TIME...I'm so happy!

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