I'm stressed and shocked! Bunny bitten! Help!

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I do not want to go fast in any way, it's just that i can't get my parents to follow the advice and knowledge i have accumulated, which has already resulted in some bad stuff as said above. It is too bad they have to be so stubborn.
Our house has four rooms, connected in an U-shape. Storm is in the living room with his setup, the kitcen is in between (smack bang in the middle of the house) and then there's parents' bedroom, where Lümi is with his setup. After that we have an additional room but it's so messy and cramped it's unusable. We also have an upper floor but that one is equally unusable, just a wasteland of endless dust and debris. They each have roam of the rooms they're in, and are usually not allowed to enter each others' rooms, that's why i haven't vinegarized the whole house. I did one time but i guess it wasn't enough so i don't do it anymore.
I would have absolutely no problem walking around like a vinegar solution when interacting with different buns, my parents wouldn't follow that rule though so i don't know if it has any point... It's so hard when they won't listen to a word i say.
The apartment we are moving into for fall-spring season has only three rooms, all in a linear pass-through way and the only room properly spacious would be its living room. I was wondering how can i still keep them from seeing-smelling each other with those conditions.
That's why i had said what i did above. My dad said that he is willing to see if the buns will bond when nothing is familiar, and if not he'll give Lümi away, which is another point of conflict. Mum said she didn't care either way as she disapproved of both buns, but she still loves and spoils them? Although i'm pretty sure they won't be patient enough for another month.
i don't want to give up either bun if possible, and i don't want to live petless either (would give up on rabbits completely for the time being but we can't have cats because i'm allergic, don't have room for a proper dog sized dog and won't go for a pet that can't really be run free and interacted with) so if i had to choose no matter what, i'd find Storm a new home just because i like Lümi's personality better-he's a calm and curious fellow that seems to seek out interaction whereas Storm would just rather lounge in hiding, climb on things and act a little mean. I believe that Lümi woukd fit better into our family.

I'm terribly sorry if i come off as unpleasant or annoying or ignorant, i'm not trying to be. It's just that i seem to have hit a hard spot with my parents regarding the buns and i need all the help i can get. Thank you so much for the continued input!

It’s hard arguing with parents and we can only do our best. I’ve never gotten a bad injury when bonding only fur flying and screaming. I have also had one accident where the bunnies escaped into each other (Lilja & Toste)

You was unlucky lümi escaped into Storms territory and they might need more time to accept each other which you seem to not have. So it might be best rehoming one, when it still don’t work at the new apartment. Some bunnies aren’t fit to be together and bonding bunnies aren’t easy.

So having parents that also don’t listen never helps. I know this perfectly well both when it comes to bunnies and every day life. It gets frustrating but you are doing your best and really trying. The accident that happen can happen anyone, specially during bonding if you are unlucky. This time you was unlucky. But I hope everything goes well and if you get forced to rehome one bunny. Don’t blame yourself too much 💕
Thank you so much for the encouragement! I'll just have to find a way to make my parents wait, give both my buns plenty of long long rest from each other and just hope it goes better once they're calmer. If not, i can reassure myself that i have done everything others have advised me to and conclude that the thing might just be in the bunnies' natures.
I have had a successful female/female bond and a successful male/female bond, but never any luck with male/male. It's simply never a guarantee. I think of it like dating, sometimes it looks perfect in theory but is doomed to fail in practice.

Males certainly need to wait longer, believe it or not they are actually still capable of making a female pregnant up to 60 days post neuter, with all of the hormones accompanying. I would definitely wait at least that long.

Parents can be tough, but when you explain what they need to stay safe and healthy and that if this get messed up the bond may never work, they may be more able to listen to reason.
I am sorry Lumi got antsy and wanted out 😑. They are little escape artists for sure! But that aside, I want to offer my experience at "bonding" (which was none at all 🤦)
Catlyn, this is long sorry....

I had a bunny who I brought an abandoned little guy home to. I had him in a dog crate till I could get them fixed so I didn't get little kits.
My girl was still free run but the little fella was in "quarentine" for 2weeks then it was vet visit time with 1 slip of my little guy getting out. There was a quick figure 8 and back in he went. My girl would go over to the crate and they'd try interacting for what it was worth to them, and she'd often lay beside the crate and him in the other side.
After fixes, they were good to go so I let them meet without barriers a few times a day for a few days, then I just left the crate open for both to freely go in and out. My girl did a lot of mounting showing her dominance and there was lots of chase but they did great , no major issue and they fell in love..All was well till my girl passed.

I then got my then little 1 yr old lop who went straight into "bunny quarentine" so she didn't exhibit aggressiveness towards him before her fix or after.
My little guy continually laid beside her and got to know her the same way his last wife did with him, as best he could.
After her fix and healing time was done, it was time for their no barriers meetup. They did pretty good together and they too now are in love.
now this being said, my girl is a piggy and she steals yummy foods from my little guy which is just plain mean 🤷🤦 but other than that, they get along.

Now I don't know if I lucked out or did it the right way but I am two for two (thank God) I should also add my buns also have a feline overseer and they all love freely in my house with me so that too may have something to do with it.

I also follow oxbow on FB, and they have ask a vet. It is a great learning tool, along with this forum.

i wish you & buns luck, but definitely don't give up 💞
I have had a successful female/female bond and a successful male/female bond, but never any luck with male/male. It's simply never a guarantee. I think of it like dating, sometimes it looks perfect in theory but is doomed to fail in practice.

Parents can be tough, but when you explain what they need to stay safe and healthy and that if this get messed up the bond may never work, they may be more able to listen to reason.

I asked the vet in Tartu that if there are two boys, is it even possible they'll get along? She said that yes, they have as much chance as any pairing, depending on their personalities.
I am fully aware though that some pairs are just not meant to be, and if that will be the case i will find one of them a good home.

That is actually an idea that i hadn't thought of! I'll definetly try it out! Thanks!
I am sorry Lumi got antsy and wanted out 😑. They are little escape artists for sure! But that aside, I want to offer my experience at "bonding" (which was none at all 🤦)
Catlyn, this is long sorry....

I had a bunny who I brought an abandoned little guy home to. I had him in a dog crate till I could get them fixed so I didn't get little kits.
My girl was still free run but the little fella was in "quarentine" for 2weeks then it was vet visit time with 1 slip of my little guy getting out. There was a quick figure 8 and back in he went. My girl would go over to the crate and they'd try interacting for what it was worth to them, and she'd often lay beside the crate and him in the other side.
After fixes, they were good to go so I let them meet without barriers a few times a day for a few days, then I just left the crate open for both to freely go in and out. My girl did a lot of mounting showing her dominance and there was lots of chase but they did great , no major issue and they fell in love..All was well till my girl passed.

I then got my then little 1 yr old lop who went straight into "bunny quarentine" so she didn't exhibit aggressiveness towards him before her fix or after.
My little guy continually laid beside her and got to know her the same way his last wife did with him, as best he could.
After her fix and healing time was done, it was time for their no barriers meetup. They did pretty good together and they too now are in love.
now this being said, my girl is a piggy and she steals yummy foods from my little guy which is just plain mean 🤷🤦 but other than that, they get along.

Now I don't know if I lucked out or did it the right way but I am two for two (thank God) I should also add my buns also have a feline overseer and they all love freely in my house with me so that too may have something to do with it.

I also follow oxbow on FB, and they have ask a vet. It is a great learning tool, along with this forum.

i wish you & buns luck, but definitely don't give up 💞
Thank you! If we happen to move to the apartment (the later the better) then all will be neutral space. Hopefully enough time will have passed by then so maybe i could also try the side by side enclosures to see if the boys will accept each other then.
That is for the future though, now i just need to worry about them forgetting each other so they could both focus on their calming.

One more thing, i don't mind long stories!

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