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I'm so glad! Keep up what you are doing! Encouragethe hay, the water, and watery veggies :) Also, I would giveher some pineapple at least a couple times a week. She mightbeprone to hairballs or whatever.That'sjust me tho :)

Come on big Poopies!!!!!!!

She's adorable :)



It does sound as if it was fur if she's had a few big poops. Keep upwith the NutriCal and letting her get her exercise. GI Stasis can takeup to a couple of weeks to get over if it's a bad case. As long asshe's eating, pooping and drinking, you may not need to take her to thevets. I'd still give her fresh pineapple juice though.

We're all on bated breath, so be sure to keep us posted.

Much Love,
Sara, glad to hereshe is eating and seems to be doing better. I was so relieved whenSebastian finally made the turn around. It took days for him to bereally better and even then I watched him for a long time. I agree withCarolyn. I don't think you would necessarily have to take her to thevet if she is returning to acting normal, and as long as the poops arestill coming. I'd keep her diet high in fiber if I were you. I knowthere is a lot of debate on this, but I added oatmeal to Sebastian'sdaily diet after our ordeal and he does seem to have larger poo's thanhe did before. I also still groom religiously to remove excesshair. Good Luck!

Raspberry, do the oats help to keep them regular? I never thought of using it that way since I've used it to solid Bo up before.

Today, Bo was giving me a scare. He's been laying around, notdoing anything, eating, but then I changed his litterbox and he didn'tgo over immediately to make a deposit!!! :shock:

So, I gave him some pineapple, nope not gonna eat that nasty stuff!Then I tried just the juice, NO WAY!, so then I opened a can ofpumpkin, he looked at me like I was NUTS!

Mind you, he's eating pellets, cilantro, and romaine the entire time.

It seems, Bo likes the idea that I placed his new crock that attachesto the side of his cage, NEXT TO HIS BED, and his hay rack is nearby aswell..... CAN WE SAY LAZY?!?!?!

SO I fed him another bit of cilantro, and he hopped over to his pan andwent. I'm saying "Oh good boy!" he's looking at me like "uhhhI do this all the time, Mommy!" :p
I know what youmean! Sometimes when we get busy and then somebody has a sick bunny yourealize maybe you don't pay as much attention to your bunnies poo's andsuch as you normally do because you've been busy...then you startworrying....then ten minutes go by without a poo and OMG it's atragedy! Just recently I told Carolyn that I would have no idea ifSebastian didn't poop for days at a time. I said "Honestly Carolyn, Ihave a household and five kids to take care of here, I can't countbunny poop." It wasn't but a couple days later that he had his furblockage and I did notice. It feels kind of silly sometimes because Iswear to heaven if I had to take Sebastian's Little Girl to the Dr. andhe asked me when the last time she pooped was I'd be like,well....hmmmm....."I haven't a clue, but I can tell you when my rabbitpoops!"

To answer you, yes it seems that the oatsadd extra fiber and make biggerpoo's. You know, the hard,small, dark poo's are not good. You want the lighter, fluffier, biggerpoo's....we are odd people.....talking bunny poo all thetime....:?

Yeah, and Bo normally poos those little blackhard things! He always has! Maybe I need to give him a fewoats daily?

He drinks TONS of water it seems, and he eats well (hay, pellets, greens and a treat like papaya every morning for breakfast).

I know what you mean about the doc! LOL! I could tell them well, uhh, She can tell you! LOL!

Well, as long as nobody posts pics, I'm happy! Iget up just after you've all gone to bed in the US and I wouldn't likeany surprises with my breakfast! :shock::shock::shock:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Yeah, and Bo normally poos those little black hard things!He always has!......
Sebastian has always been that way too.Funny thing, here lately I noticed these HUGE poos! I finally figuredout it was from his new seagrass mat that I bought from Home Depot! I'mgonna post a photo of his cage since I put in his new mats. He loveshis new seagrass mat though. It's a double layer and he happily gnawsaway on it when he's bored. Seagrass must be REALLY high infiber!!!

Oooooooooo! I've been wanting to get Bo one ofthose. There is a place called WORLD MARKET that sells these12x12 inch mats for a dollar a piece. They have rice, mazeand grass. When I went to get them, they were out of stock,but I am going back this week to check again. I think Bo doesbetter when he has some sort of mat to chew on also. He usedto have cardboard ALL the time, but I removed it and used somethingelse. Maybe I should give him some cardboard to just playwith and chew....

i just happened to have a fresh pinapple and itried to give it to her but she didnt want ithow do yuo prpose i gether to to drink the juice? lol after i got home from worklast night i let her out to run around and she left bunny presnts allover the floor i was just happy she was poopin so i couldnt be mad. sheeven poop a couple cecotypes < sp,. and shes not angry at me anymore when ever i call her name she comes runing and jumps on my lap andstarts giving me lots of bunny kisses (this is one side effect i candeal with) i hope it lasts:D

i will keep you posted again thank you for the support


If the cecotropes are in grapelike form, that's a very good sign.

Are they?

More often than not, you have to syringe feed the fresh pineapple juice.

gjsara wrote:
shesnot angry at me any more when ever i call her name she comes runing andjumps on my lap and starts giving me lots of bunny kisses (this is oneside effect i can deal with) i hope it lasts:D

i will keep you posted again thank you for the support

She was probably grouchy cause she couldn't poo! :(
carolyn yes the cecotypes are grape like she isnthaving large single poos yet just kinda big clusters of poo. lol i havea few days off and when im home shes out so she is enjoying herself.hopefully she keeps improving

That's great news, Sara! Keep up the good work.

lyla has completly turned back to normal:p. sheate all of her food and drank a half of a water bottle and lots andlots of poo!! thank you everyone for helping me get through this i hopethat never happens again!

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