I'm ready to jump in a pool of ice!

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Snow.. what a wonderful thing I'd like to just stick my face into. Hmm. I guess the closest thing to snow I have now is sticking my head in the deep freeze.

The grass is always greener! Thats why MI is great...weather changes in a blink of an eye...

Before we know it, we'll be cursing the dang snow and wishing for warm weather!

(But one good thing is that we might get some more pics of Pebbles snow-diving!)

hh2420 wrote:
weather changes in a blink of an eye...
I find that funny because I had to set up a bank account for work the other day and the guy who helped me had recently moved from Ontario. He wascommenting on how much cooler and less humid it is here but he also said that the weather is crazy. You never know how to dress, one minute it can be sunny, the next it can be thundering and lightning. As I always say -- Alberta, theonly place you can have all 4 seasons in a day. ;)
*sigh* I know just what you mean...it hit 101F here today, and we're just SAPPED of energy!! In fact, if I'm reading this right, that's our CURRENT temp here...at 7pm! Sheesh...I can't imagine what it was at about 3pm!!

I've been giving the Flower frozen water bottles because she actually lays next to them. Maisie just bites them and they then drain water everywhere...lol...but she isn't acting hot in the least. Her cage is in a nice, shady, cool part of the livingroom, so she's not in much heat. Flower has much thicker fur, so she really enjoys having the frozen water bottle. :)

As far as cooling off myself, I put all my shower stuff (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, etc.) in the fridge, along with my body lotion and anything else like that. It's WONDERFUL to take a cool shower, and use some nice, cold shampoo...nothing like it!!

Here are some other things you can refridgerate:
- face mask
- face astringent
- nail polish remover
- face lotion
- any kinds of lotions, etc.

Anything you apply to your body, just about, you can try it with.

Anyway, hmm...what other things...juice is nice to drink nice and cold (better rehydrating thing for your body than soda) with some ice in it...aah!!

Hmm...what else...I try to eat lots of salads and sandwiches instead of cooked food...if you put cool things IN your body, it'll lower your base temperature, and helps you stay nice and cool.

Also check out online what BTU rating per your home's square feet you should have going. We did that, and bought the air conditioner that corresponded...made ALL the difference in the world! Here's a site that has a table you can use for reference: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...tegoryRep=cat05000&type=page&cmp=&id=cat12077

Anyway, that's about all I can think of right now. Be sure to keep good and hydrated!! Lots of water, lots of protein, lots of cool things around you! :D
Thanks! I usually fill the bath with ice cold water (But my mom says I shouldn't do that because it isn't good for my heart) and just sit there until the water isn't cool anymore. I laid on the cool tile while Pebbles was out, and she did a flop next to me :D.

I usually just wet my hair in the sink with ice cold water and dry it a bit so it isn't drippy then I go to bed. It takes the edge off the heat, and plus I get curly hair in the morning :D.

The nights are the worst because it goes muggy in my house and is unbareable! I try to do the rabbits early so I don't have to use electricity. It always feels cooler when your in dark rooms!
I know whatcha mean. Our apartment is on the top floor, so all the heat from the roof comes right in. Our hottest time in our apartment is around 3pm.

I would do a bath of ice water, too, but I just don't have the guts for such cold water...LOL!!
I'm so lucky that my apartment is ground floor - there's a big wall that blocks off the view from my windows; admittedly it's not very pretty, but it does mean that 80% of my windows aren't directly letting light in! Besides, the sun shines in my windows at about 5.30-7am, so I get the cooler sun.

I've got a 2 ton AC in my bedroom, the bunny room and the living room, with fans in all of the rooms too, and, honestly,w ith the AC on full power I get too cold! I've had it on full for the girls (and the budgies, who share the same room) since yesterday, especially because I wasn't going to be here and I wouldn't know what temperature it would be!

The boys (bunny and piggie) are in a bathroom, so they've got tiled floor and walls. There's no windows facing outside at all in there, so it's nice and cool for them. My living room's the same, no outward-facing windows (again, it's kinda sucky view-wise), but even with just the fan on it's really cool in there - so cool that I curl up under a blanket to watch movies, even when it's 40+C outside! :p

Good advice if it's hot where you are - drink LOTS of water. I'm going through almost 2 liters a day, if not three. It's very good for you :D And if you're sweating a lot, take salt replacements. Try to stay away from caffeine as it dehydrates you... It's very easy to get dehydrated. I'vebeen very naughty today... a double-shot AND a caramel frappucino from Starbucks this morning to counter a sleepless night and a Red Bull this evening... I've barely had any water and I feel really iffy now! Time to drink loads.... ;)
That's excellent advice. My husband and I take salt and potassium tablets when we sweat a lot, and make sure to drink lots of water, too. :)

Hollie wrote:
Good advice if it's hot where you are - drink LOTS of water. I'm going through almost 2 liters a day, if not three. It's very good for you :D And if you're sweating a lot, take salt replacements. Try to stay away from caffeine as it dehydrates you... It's very easy to get dehydrated.