Well-Known Member
If you head up North to Resolute, Nunavut.
It's 1*C / 34*F and snowing.
Rainbows! :upsidedown
It's 1*C / 34*F and snowing.
Rainbows! :upsidedown
I find that funny because I had to set up a bank account for work the other day and the guy who helped me had recently moved from Ontario. He wascommenting on how much cooler and less humid it is here but he also said that the weather is crazy. You never know how to dress, one minute it can be sunny, the next it can be thundering and lightning. As I always say -- Alberta, theonly place you can have all 4 seasons in a changes in a blink of an eye...
Good advice if it's hot where you are - drink LOTS of water. I'm going through almost 2 liters a day, if not three. It's very good for youAnd if you're sweating a lot, take salt replacements. Try to stay away from caffeine as it dehydrates you... It's very easy to get dehydrated.