I'm obsessed with taking pictures of my rabbit! Show me your bunnies too!

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I wish my bunny would let me hold him like that! He will let me do it and kiss him then he freaks out and jumps out of my arms! He doesn't like to be held very much!
How old is your luna?

She's 'round about 5 months now I want to say? I wasn't quite sure on her age when I got her (she was this sickly little thing at the local pet store and they didn't have much information on her) How old is yours?

I wish my bunny would let me hold him like that! He will let me do it and kiss him then he freaks out and jumps out of my arms! He doesn't like to be held very much!

Luna doesn't particularly like being held, but thanks to the fact that she has to go to the vet a decent bit for her dang stuffy nose and myriad of health problems (all of which except for the stuffy nose we seem to have a handle on now! :hearts) she's gotten used to it...She'll still struggle sometimes, but I'm trying operant conditioning and +R (positive reinforcement/clicker training) to get her to handle it with a little bit more grace than she currently does! Basically every time she gets picked up, banana or craisin is shoved into her mouth, then when I put her down I cover her eyes to keep her from leaping from my arms, and while stroking her slowly uncover her eyes and shove more banana or craisin into her mouth! So far it seems to be helping a decent bit, I got less stomping and foot flicking after our last vet appointment so I am calling that progress :D :nod
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Fluffy and Daisy are soooo adorable!! * Dieing of cuteness* my bunny used to be fluffy, but she isn't anymore

Thank you. Daisy used to be very fluffy when she was a baby but she has lost her lionhead mane now.
Hahaha!!! I love the bunny on the sheep! I'm so glad I made this post so I can see I'm not the only one obsessed with my rabbit 😁