Ya i recently had a wicked bad accident happen tomy flemish. He always had a bowl for his water and he thinks it is hisbathroom. So i changed his water in to a water bottle, it was one ofthose water bottles that has a wire that hooks onto the cage. Well iturned around to fill the water bottle and Nimue some how got his cheeksuck on the wire loop....but the only problem was the fact that theother end of the wire was still stuck to the cage! So i was trying tothe wire off of the cage and he just kept pulling, and a 22lb rabbit ishard to hold down! So finally it just randomly detached itself from thecage and i ran with him upstairs SCREAMING! My dad was gonna take itout but some how it just fell on the floor.....so as of now he stillhas a small hole in his cheek......it was soooooooooooooo scary! Neveragain will I use wire water bottles