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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
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Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Hey guysim Ashley im 17 and I live in Flordia.I currently have One Male MiniLop Named Thumper or AKA Droopy.Im about to get A famale Mini Lop.Doseanyone know how old a Lop has to be before it can Have kits? My Rabbitis about 5 months old..:cool:If you can help it would beGREAT

Welcome to the forum!

The ideal age to breeda Mini Lop is 6 months. However, Iwould advise you to do a ton of research before you even get a female.They can have anywhere from 1 up to 8+, are you sure you have the timeto take care of them all? Do you already have lines lined up for them?Are you willing to keep any that you can't get rid of? Also, they arenot cheap in the least. Adding more rabbits to your family willsignificantly increase the costs of owning the rabbits.

Just a couple things to think about. ;)

Hey Ashley!

Welcome to the forums!! First off, Florida ROCKS!!! :p

I believe 6 months is when bunnies are mature enough to have kits.

I'm not totally sure though as I've never bred my rabbits and have no plans to.

But I'm pretty sure they can breed whenever they hit maturity?

Someone else will come along to correct me if I'm wrong, which I probably am. :p

Welcome again!!

Thank you guysfor your help. Also im not going to mate them for a while I have toseprete cages.So when I get the girl bunnie she will have her owncage.I will keep a eye on them when they play together so I dont havebabys right away but Adventualy i do want kits. Thanks agian for yourguys help. Also Michelle Flordia dose rock!! Even thoughi got burt yesterday LOL.

Ashley and Thumper
Hi Ashley! I am 16 and have been breeding hollandlops for a while...Your bunnies should be atleast 6 months old, 8 isbetter though, that way you can make sure that they will be totallyready. If you let the male and female play together, i think it is 12weeks but it may be later, the male will try and mate with the femaleno matter what age they are. We had that problem with out firstbunnies. The average amount of kits we see are around 4 or 5, but therecould always be more or less. Before you breed your bunnies make surethat you have a nest box ready for when she needs it which is usuallyaround the 29th day, but if she is pulling out fur you cangive it to her a day or two earlier, if you give it to her to early shewill just use it as a litter box. Also are you breeding your bunniesfor show quality or pet quality? Will you be able to provide the peopleyou sell your rabbits to with a pedigree? Do your rabbits parents orGrand parents ect. have any genetic diseases that you dont know about,that could be passed down to your kits? These are just some things youshould consider. If ya ever want to talk some time about Lops, or ifyou have any questions please email me at[email protected], or IM meamerz200288 (AIM) or you can PM me.

Hey thank you for thewelcome and for helping me. Im not sure about Thumpers back groundbecasue I got him from a nearby Pet store.Im not thinking aboutbreeding Until Thumper is alteast 9 Months old and when i get the girlin 4 or 5 days (hopfully) She will only be 2 months of age. Thank youguys for being so nice and oppreciate.

Welcome aboard, IluvBunniez,

I wish I could read your posts, but colored fonts play with my oldeyes, and I definitely can't see pink fonts without astruggle. Can you please put your font color on black so Ican see you? I know others on the forum have the same issueswith their eyes and would also be most appreciative.

Jump in anywhere.

I am so glad you have good pet stores aroundyou....most of the pest stores around here end up with criminal chargesbecause of animal abuse...i just dont trust animal stores any more.When ever we would go to a pet store, there was always something deadin a tankor a was sooo sad!
That is soooo sad. im sorry to hearthat. over here there is alot of petstores some i will never go to andsome where i got thumper are very clean and respectful and where myneice got her's from there all DEFORMED its so sad but there healtytoo. Um is clear discharge from nose normal? plz help

ashley n thumer

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