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Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
, California, USA
Hi, my name's Jessica. I found this forum througha member here who posts on the cat forum I go to. I've recently takenover the care of two rabbits at the preschool I work at, and since I'venever had rabbits before, I'm sure I'll have lots of questions.

Here's their story:

We have two rabbits at my school. I'm sort of the pet person, and sincenoone else is really fond of animals, I've been the one primarilyfeeding and cleaning these two. They live separately. I was concernedabout cage size (one in particular is in a very small cage), diet (theywere getting only pellets), and the fact that they were never getting achance to come out of their cages. Since rehoming them is not an option(I don't own them) I just wanted to get all the information I can andmake their lives as happy as possible.

I got referred to lots of great links, and have already made somechanges to introduce hay and veggies to their diets. We are currentlytalking about building a large rabbit run as a permanent home - it willhave outdoor space, but also a sheltered area that can beheated/cooled. I've also been taking them out for a nice hop throughthe yard and some petting time (if they want it) for the last two days;I plan to let them out daily, for as much time as I can. I've beencaring for them on off for awhile, and so both are familiar with me -I've held and petted them some in the past, but this is really thefirst I've been letting them roam free.

The two bunnies are: Becky, she's been living in a largish cageoutside, but the weather here's pretty mild, we keep her in cool areaand shaded with a tarp in the summer, and protect from cold and rainwith a tarp during the winter. She is also getting a nesting box sincethe weather's fairly cool right now. (Based on a suggestion I got.)She's a little shy (overstimulation from the kids is my guess) but ispretty mellow and very sweet.And then there's boy bunny (hereally neads a name). He lives inside (in a smaller cage:() in one ofthe classrooms. This guy is very sweet and affectionate, and likes tolift his face near mine when I'm sitting down while he's romping about.He always nudges to be taken out and is fond of getting my attention bygently nibbling at me while I'm feeding him or cleaning his cage. (It'snot biting, really, it kind of tickles.)

I guess that's it for now. I look forward to getting to know everyone,and please bear with me if I ask a lot of stupid questions. I've neverhad rabbits before.
Welcome to the forum :).

I'm glad you found us but even more glad that those two little rabbitshave someone like you in their lives making it as good as possible forthem. The little boy sounds a darling, so affectionate despite theconditions he lives in. Good luck with getting them better quarters andhopefully the people here can answer any questions you've got:).

Hey Jess-

Glad you were able to "hop on over" (I know, I know, it's lame...:p) The good people here should be able to help you out.

*pssst, guys, this is a newbie I can vouch for ;)*

~ Emily (aka spacemonkey)
Welcome aboard,jessamica8!

Bless your heart for tending to those two littleones. We'll be happy to help as much as we can.

Hi Jess!

How wonderful you get to take care of these precious bunnies!

Do you know what kind they are? Can you take photos and let us see them?

Yes, the boy needs a name!!! If you are working with preschool kids,have them name him. Let them put names in a hat or somethingand then everyone vote or whatever.... Might be fun for them :)

It sounds like you are doing really well and the bunnies are gettingbetter care now. They need to excercise and get hay and stuffas well. Small cages are bad if they are in them alot. There are cheap ways to build cages and if you need helpthere is a thread on here about just that!

Glad you made it over here. It's a great place to get help,talk about bunnies, brag about your bunnies, and sometimes just talkabout whatever is going on in your day.

Welcome :)

So good to hear that you care enough about the welfare of these animalsand that are taking steps to provide them with a better life. Feel freeto fire away with the questions. :)
Aww i bet the kids love the bunnies. I work at aday care mantly with the preschool aged kids and they love the ginniepig. Nice to meat another person who works with little kids -their funarnt they

Emily (m.e.):

Thanks for showing me the forum, and vouching for me!

Bo B Bunny:

I have no idea what kind they are, but I’m posting some pics

Our kids are actually two and under - not much help with names. Theynamed our guinea pig Baby, but that is the extent of their creativityfor naming things.

lop lover:

Yeah, I like working with kids, they’re lots of fun, and really keep us on our toes.

Boy Bunny does need a name - I’ll take suggestions, if anyone has anyideas. I’d kind of like a B name since we already have Becky and Baby,it’d be even cuter if it ended with a Y. Here he is (as you can see,one of his ears half flops over when he is relaxed, but when he’s alertand looking around, it sticks up).

Hopefully, this works!
What a soft little beauty he is :). More pictures please!

I'm thinking on the names one. I've got a boy called Bunberry but Ican't think of any shorter names this minute that start in B and end inY except stuff like Bobby and Billy and so on. Barney? Brady? Ok I'llgo and think while I'm at work :).


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