Huff puff... 3 hours...I've been hunched over all the hay in my house for 3 hours and I am only HALF way done sorting everything out. BUT....
Kleenmama's 3rd cut Timothy: I got my 15 lbs of KM 3rd cut and 15 lbs of bluegrass... well I pulled out the bag of 3rd cut tim first and...I am in absolute awe. The quality of the hay, the lush green, the fresh, sweet aroma. The lack of my eyes watering, itchy throat and runny nose!! I am beyond thrilled with the 3rd cut. I have very sensitive skin and I handled the whole 15 lb bag with my bare hands without a single stick, poke, cut, scratch or skin break of any kind. Now that is what I call SOFT hay. But at the same time, it is very flexible, long and what I would term "chewy" for a bunny. It's not brittle and piece-y like I thought it might be. I think the bunnies will love love love it. (I am just integrating a little bit at a time, mixing it in with their current Oxbow hay)
The last 5-8 lbs of Oxbow I have took me about 90 minutes to pick through strand by strand to find the long stems worth keeping. Toby loves a crunchy piece of hay, so kept them for him. I salvaged a lot, tossed the rest of the horrible dust. Shockingly, 15lbs of uncompacted 3rd cut stuffed 2 large rubbermaid bins PLUS another small bin that I use to transport hay day to day. I have not even touched the 15lb bag of bluegrass yet - and because I literally have no space to put it in, I don't know WHEN I'm going to be able to crack it open to feed.
There wasquite alot of "stuff" in the timothy though. Some woody stems with some pokey fuzzy things growing off it, and some weird looking grass mixed in. I picked them out, I figure I might as well do it all now instead of a little every single day at feeding time.
In any case, my review of 3rd cut KM hay = dustless and amazing!:highfive: