I'm home early, got wacked in the face at work

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would someone tell me why the dentist had to ask me if I had read the latest National Geographic story about heart transplants while he's in my mouth? I could have drown in whatever he was squirting in my mouth when I tried to give him an answer. That little sucky tube wasn't sucking the liquid out because it was otherwise occupied with trying to give that little dangle man in the back of my throat a hickie.
:roflmao: That is the best description of a visit to the dentist that I've ever seen! I loathe the dentist...haven't been there in years because I am seriously phobic....when I have to go again, I'm gonna print this description out and take it to him!!! Thanks for brightening my day.

I'm so sorry that you've been hurt, and then to find out you have to have a root canal as well just stinks....:hug1 for a quick recovery.
slavetoabunny wrote:
Leaf wrote:
I hate going to the dentist! Have I already said that?

I'm back home, the side of my face is numb, I think I drool and I'm not sure if my right nostril is actually functioning because I cant feel anything.

I just dumped a great portion of a bottled water on my lap because I have little facial control.

The tooth in question will be ok.

However, I'm now on antiabiotics and I'm scheduled for a root canal on another tooth. That'll be done on the 26th at 9:30 am as long as the abscess clears up in time.

I couldnt find my insurance card so the people at the office just rolled their eyes at me a lot. I'll sort that out later on I guess. I'd hate for their eyes to pop out, and would someone tell me why the dentist had to ask me if I had read the latest National Geographic story about heart transplants while he's in my mouth? I could havedrown in whatever he was squirting in my mouth when I tried to give him an answer. That little sucky tube wasn't sucking the liquid out because it was otherwise occupied with trying to give that little dangle man in the back of my throat a hickie.
Are you on some good pain killers right now by any chance, LOL!!


Reading back through the post... well, I'm a bit quirky and if you guys knew me in real life you'd know that pretty much sums up any conversation or insight I share with people.

People who know or meet me either think I'm funny, nuts or... on drugs ;)

I just have an odd perspective, I suppose.

Don't you love it when people look at you as if you have lobsters crawliing out of your ears.....er, um, welcome to the "ok, she's a bit odd" club....haven't seen you at any of the meetings!:biggrin2:

Ok, so I was totally rude, and didn't ask how you're feeling....I'm sorry! How ARE you doing? Thinking of you....