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I had sinus surgery twice in the last 3 years, and my doctor gave me *way* more Vicodin than I needed. (40 each time, I was supposed to take 1 or 2 every 4 hours. :shock:)

I have a totally different reaction to Vicodin than most people: Within 15 minutes of taking one, I am passed out cold asleep, for about 4 or 6 hours. (I was so out, Jason changed the bandages on my face a couple times and I didn't even notice.) Then the next day, I have some nausea, sort of a mild hangover. So for me they're only for extreme pain.
BethM wrote:
I have a totally different reaction to Vicodin than most people: Within 15 minutes of taking one, I am passed out cold asleep, for about 4 or 6 hours.
When I had Vicodin in my system, I couldn't sleep very well. It felt like the bed was moving, so I would roll to try and be comfy again, then it feels like it moved and so on. It's a weird medicine... I had Roxicet for my tonsils, that crap made me freak out, big time!

Oh, Jen. Ice your neck and jaw a lot post-surgery. It will reduce the swelling and help with pain. You might get earaches, too. I had earaches for my tonsils and wisdom teeth.
yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck TEEFS!!

*Shudder* I haven't seen a dentist since I was 7, I hate the idea of teeth being yanked :p. Poor Jen, you're so much braver than me!

Mathew had all four removed by a dental surgeon about, hmm, a year and a half ago? Just local anaesthetic, and they cut waaaay into the gums. He says at one point the doc had his knee against his chest trying to use as much force as possible to yank them out. It was horrible, and they kept opening up and bleeding for weeks because he refused to eat soft foods :grumpy:.

The first time in my life that I passed out was at the dental clinic when they handed me his teeth in a ziplock bag, they were gigantic and still had gum all over them. I then forgot they were in my handbag and found them a couple of weeks later...they did NOT smell pretty!

It cost him just over $1000 to get them removed.

Sorry, didn't mean to bring up this awefull tale, I just remembered it now :p.

You'll be fine, and good luck chicky! :clover:
Argh! Michelle that sounds terrible! Rotten teeth in your handbag as well? Something out of a horror film!! :shock: :p

All it's costing me is the consultation yesterday, which was £44. They also gave me antibiotics to take in the meantime, if it swells up a lot. I'm going to avoid taking them as much as I can, because they were the ones that made me throw up everything I ate after I was in hospital with glandular fever/tonsilitis.... Annoyed that I paid £10 for them lol!!

Vicodin sounds good.... I wish I could get some of that for my surgery! :shock:
mouse_chalk wrote:
I'm going to avoid taking them as much as I can, because they were the ones that made me throw up everything I ate after I was in hospital with glandular fever/tonsilitis.... Annoyed that I paid £10 for them lol!!
Are you allergic to them, maybe? That's what tetracycline does to my stomach. I would throw it up after I took it. Roxicet did that too, but that's because it's a generic Oxycodone and it upset my stomach...
Oooh I'm fearing the day they want to take mine out! They've been coming through for about 2 years now, I get pangs of pain for a few days a month. Not nice! If I did have them I guess I would have to have general too, because I would simply refuse local! I'm scared of needles too. I guess I'd have to have a needle either way but a needle in my hand to knock me out would be far better than having a needle (or two) stuck in my mouth!

I hate general anaesthetics though. Weirdest thing I have experienced in life EVER.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
When I go in for surgery, I try and fight the general anesthesia to see how long I can hold on for. It's fun because you start to hallucinate and stuff. I watched the ceiling tiles move around before I fell asleep for the wisdom teeth extraction. ;)
kherrmann3 wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
I'm going to avoid taking them as much as I can, because they were the ones that made me throw up everything I ate after I was in hospital with glandular fever/tonsilitis.... Annoyed that I paid £10 for them lol!!
Are you allergic to them, maybe? That's what tetracycline does to my stomach. I would throw it up after I took it. Roxicet did that too, but that's because it's a generic Oxycodone and it upset my stomach...
I don't know.... Never thought of that! They're Metronidazole... always have made me sick and it's one of the side effects I think...

I'm allergic to Penicillin though so that already rules out a few of the stronger things for me to take!
pinksalamander wrote:
Oooh I'm fearing the day they want to take mine out! They've been coming through for about 2 years now, I get pangs of pain for a few days a month. Not nice! If I did have them I guess I would have to have general too, because I would simply refuse local! I'm scared of needles too. I guess I'd have to have a needle either way but a needle in my hand to knock me out would be far better than having a needle (or two) stuck in my mouth!

I hate general anaesthetics though. Weirdest thing I have experienced in life EVER.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
When I went to the clinic 2 years ago they offered me 'magic cream' so I wouldn't feel the needle. I said I'd be fine but they sort of insisted lol! I'm not scared of needles anymore....Anyway they put this cream on, and a plaster over my hand, and left it for a bit. When they took me in, they took the plaster off and went to put the needle in. I said 'it didn't work anyway!' and the nurse said 'but can you feel that?' I said 'feel what?' and she was tapping my hand and putting the needle in lol!

Anyway, I used to have a huge fear of needles, but now 7 ops down the line, X number of blood tests, etc etc and it doesn't bother me now. I mean I still don't love them, but I don't worry about them. Except when I had my last op the aneasthetist thought she had the vein but she didn't, missed and I had a HUGE bruise on my hand lol....

General aneasthetics are SO strange aren't they? I kind of like the woozy feeling before you go to sleep, but just before they give it I get SO terrified. Then you wake up like it's a minute later but hours have passed. I usually ramble like a drunk and cry a lot! :p It's so weird how you have no memory, no dreams or anything.

Kelly, you try to fight them?! That sounds scary lol! :p

mouse_chalk wrote:
General aneasthetics are SO strange aren't they? I kind of like the woozy feeling before you go to sleep, but just before they give it I get SO terrified. Then you wake up like it's a minute later but hours have passed. I usually ramble like a drunk and cry a lot! :p It's so weird how you have no memory, no dreams or anything.
When I had mine, it was so odd. I remember feeling coldness go up my arm (I had the thing in the back of my hand). Then I remember blinking and it was al over. It felt like a blink. Like I closed my eyes and the next time I opened them was 3 hours later. Its not like sleeping, when you sleep you feel like time has passed! I remember waking up and seeing what looked like 'the round window' from PlaySchool. I have no recollection of being wheeled back to the ward, no recollection of seeing my Mum, nothing. I couldn't tell you what series of events happened that day! I had the operation at lunch time too!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I try to, but I normally only hang on an extra second or two. I hate that numbing cream. It does not work for me. They put that on my arm when I was in 5th grade before inserting a really nasty IV. It was a tube that went up my vein (from my elbow) and went to the large veins leading into my heart. That stupid cream did NOTHING! I was bleedin' everywhere and screaming. I never take that cream anymore. ;) Wow, my life is screwed up...
I don't really remember a whole lot from my surgeries. I got the IV in, then a little while before they wheeled me in the nurse injected something into the IV line, I don't know what it was, but it made me feel really *prickly* all over. Like itchy, but painful, and I could sort of feel it going through my body. That was really weird, and by the time they came to get me I was just grinding my teeth trying to bear the discomfort. Then I got wheeled into the OR, and they gave me the gas. I don't remember any woozy feeling, or anything more than taking 2 breaths, then nothing. Then I just remember waking up in a bed with the nurse talking to me. So groggy! I didn't feel pain until she asked me if I needed "more" painkillers, then all of a sudden I hurt so much. I sort of remember being wheeled out to the car, Jason helping me in, and waking up again later at home.

I remember more from the first one than the second. I think because I was really scared the first time, and overall it was a lot more painful. The recovery was a lot worse the first time, too. The second time, I was just as tired for just as long, but not quite as painful. I also don't remember hardly anything from the surgical center the second time. That time, I was scared, but not TERRIFIED like I had been the first time. (They were operating inside my skull! With lasers! And I had to sign something about how I knew one of the risks was blindness!)

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