I'm gonna look like a hamster!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom

I bought my dental checkup forward to this morning instead of January- actually Steve did, because my bottom wisdom teeth are trying to come through. Trying being the operative word, because we've known for a few years now that my jaw bone is in the way, and they're pushing up behind my back teeth, so they can't go anywhere. Steve made me go back in and paid for the consulation as an incentive lol.

My dentist is so great! He thinks that prevention is better in this instance and is referring me to have them both removed- both the bottom ones. Normally they would either do a local aneasthetic there in the surgery- NO thank you!! :shock: Or they could refer me to be sedated. But because they aren't actually properly through, it's a bit more of a procedure, so he is referring me to the hospital to get it done under a general aneasthetic.

LOL. I don't know why I say lol, but if there is an extreme 'not the norm' route to take, you just know it'll happen to me and I'll have the most complicated version of whatever there is!!

Anyway, I'm waiting for my appointment to come through from the hospital now- it'll be sometime in the New Year apparently. I'll be a day case....

My mum just laughed when I told her and said 'you do realise your mouth will swell up and you'll look like a hamster?' And then Steve pretty much got hysterical when I told him on the phone! :X :p
I had my wisdom teeth removed under general anesthetic.God, I wouldn't want to do that under a local!!!

My cheeks didn't swell up much at all. One side was a little puffy but not bad enough to notice if you didn't know i had it done. It also didn't hurt too bad and I was eating lunch and supper that same day. The part that was yucky was that there were holes where the teeth used to be. So i was a bit grossed out until they healed up.

But its not always as bad as some people make it sound. Take lots of advil and ice your cheeks. The swelling shouldn't get too bad.
Yes you are! :p I looked like a hamster after I got my taken out. I was put aneasthetic and they took all 4 of mine out.:shock: I had to take Vicodin a lot. I would avoid having dairy products if on Vicodin. I had a milkshake and threw it up.

Good luck! Hope all goes well. :)
Happi Bun wrote:
I had to take Vicodin a lot. I would avoid having dairy products if on Vicodin. I had a milkshake and threw it up.
I second that! I had the best darn McDonald's vanilla ice cream cone ever... Until I got home and puked it back up.

I also had all four done at the same time. That was great, because then I didn't have to go back in! I did, however, have all four of them form dry sockets. :biggrin2: I guess pulling the stitches out and eating a cheeseburger wasn't a good idea? Oh, popcorn too, stay away from it (I'm a popcorn hound, and I didn't stay away from it, it got stuck in the sockets).

Well, good luck to you! As long as you listen to your doctor, you shouldn't have any problems! :)
I had all 4 of mine out at the same time, when I was 16. My jaw is too small, and they were all coming up under my other teeth, and I was having excruciating headaches.

My mom didn't have any kind of insurance at the time. Which meant I had to have them done with only a local aneasthetic, because it was a lot cheaper than getting a general. Oh, man, that was terrible! I was awake the whole time, and the dentist had to saw each wisdom tooth in half, take out the exposed part, then dig out the part that was burried. All while I'm laying there looking up at him. :shock:

Then, the dentist told me bite down on cotton balls to absorb the blood, and to keep changing them until there wasn't any more blood. So I ended up with half a little trash can full of bloody cotton balls, and I was getting really light headed and woozy from blood loss. At that point, my mom called the dentist, turns out I was supposed to stop a lot sooner than that, and the wooziness was from blood loss.

After all that, though, the healing went pretty fast. I ate soup for a couple days and the swelling went down fairly quickly. No dry socket for me.

I'm sure yours will go fine, Jen! At least you'll get to be asleep for it!

Yikes! Thanks guys! I think lol... :p

Kelly, what do you mean dry sockets? Did you actually have to have stitches?!! :shock::shock::shock:
The dentist didn't say anything about that...

I do have to go to the hospital for a consultation though before the actual 'extraction' so maybe they'll tell me more then...

I did have an upper one removed about 2 years ago- I had that done under sedation. Great stuff! Didn't remember a thing.... was in and out in about an hour or so and eating chow mein that night lol :p

It's my understanding that the lowers are worse though? Hence the swelling?

I don't know if they give Vicodin out over here but I expect they'll give me some strong painkilers...

I just wish I knew when it was!! :waiting:
Dry sockets is when the scab over the healing tissue falls off and exposes the bone. Not fun. It makes all of your other molars ache. I had stitches, as did Will. Some of our wisdom teeth were not out of the gums yet, so they had to cut the gums open to extract them. I didn't have any impacted teeth or anything, and I had four dry sockets. Will had most of his impacted and nothing. Not so much as a "boo hoo it hurts". Jerk.

Jen, I've had a lot of surgeries, so I am used to this crap. I normally wind up pulling or removing my own stitches, poking at something to see how long it will take to hurt, etc. I'm not one of those people who are afraid of pain lol

Wisdom teeth were the easiest surgery I've ever had. Even with all the complications, it was like a walk in the park :)
Oh, nice!! I hope I don't get that lol.... When I had my one removed I do remember that I could feel a bit of the bone at the time but it healed over in a day or 2...

I've had more than my fair share of surgeries too! 2 this year for a pilonidal abscess, which makes 7 in total and they were definitely NOT a walk in the park- ask the other members who had to put up with my moaning about it all! :p I think that's why I'm not so freaked out about this one- I've had much, much worse in the past so this seems fairly small to me. That'll stop me being scared!

7 is the magic number it seems... lol!

They said that it can be as quick as 3-4 weeks, or up to 2 months. We reckon that the waiting list might not be too long due to it being Christmas and not that many people wanting to fork out to go to the dentist. Although the day case list at the hospital I guess might be a different story!
When i had my wisdom teeth pulled we did it in 2 sessions. i think he did 1 top and 1 bottom from the other side. Wide awake i was. i was given a prescription for Tylenol 3, but that didn't come close to taking the edge off the pain. at least you'll be asleep for it so you can dream of bunny's hopping. lol
I had all four of mine done at once. My insurance wouldn't pay for general anesthesia, so I paid the extra bucks for it out of pocket. No way I was going to be awake for that!

I also got four dry sockets. I had to go in twice a week for several weeks to get them repacked. Thank goodness for painkillers!!!!!!!! I lost a LOT of weight after my procedure.
Oh yeah, I wasn't given any painkillers, either. Again, because my mom didn't have insurance and couldn't afford them. All I had was generic brand aspirin. The pain was the worst the first day, but it got better after that.
slavetoabunny wrote:
Thank goodness for painkillers!!!!!!!! I lost a LOT of weight after my procedure.
That would not be a bad side-effect lol....

But I'm sorry you had such a rough deal!

I totally agree with the general aneasthetic- there was no question for me lol. I do not want to know anything about it! My dentist also recommended it because one of the teeth is only just poking through and the other one hasn't even broken the skin yet... *shivers*

Thank god this is an NHS hospital referral so I don't have to pay! Or if I wanted to I could go to the private clinic who would fit me in within a few days but would charge £125 per tooth! :shock:
BethM wrote:
Oh yeah, I wasn't given any painkillers, either. Again, because my mom didn't have insurance and couldn't afford them. All I had was generic brand aspirin. The pain was the worst the first day, but it got better after that.
Eeeesh, that sounds horrible :hug: Local's don't always work that well either do they?

I have some Tramadol stashed away from my last op- I'll be saving it for just in case!
When Will had his wisdom teeth out, I think it cost us about $400. That was with really good insurance, too. They covered 80-90% :?

You get Vicodin here. It makes you forget that you had pain at all! :)
Blaugh, guys!
I remember feeling the sockets with my tongue... Makes me want to puke just thinking about it!

Couldn't read the whole thread, I was getting so queasy!

Anyhoo, remember to keep some whole cloves around. You'll want them for the dental pain. Just keep one crushed btw your teeth, and you'll find it makes you feel a heckuv a lot better.

I remember doing a major presentation as high as a kite to the teaching staff of my college. I had a great time! Not sure what they thought though:biggrin2:
I worked at a deli and they made me come in, even though I was in happy Vicodin-land. I was dancing and laughing while operating the meat slicer, so they took me away from that and had me make sandwiches. After another hour, they sent me home because I was laughing at the bread. :rofl:
kherrmann3 wrote:
I worked at a deli and they made me come in, even though I was in happy Vicodin-land. I was dancing and laughing while operating the meat slicer, so they took me away from that and had me make sandwiches. After another hour, they sent me home because I was laughing at the bread. :rofl:
:roflmao: ROFL!!! That has me in tears... literally!!

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