Im going to be scarce..

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Just wanted to tell you guys I will be checking in on Mike's computer every now and then but I wont be able to do much for a few days. My laptop starts but wont fully turn on and I dont have the system restore CDs. My friends bf is going to look at it and hopefully fix it but it will take a few days.

Im so praying this isnt anything major..
Oh I hope it isn't serious also! I hate that you can't be around much but it's at least good you can check in!

Keep us posted!
ACK!! :thud:That's not allowed!!

Can't even have a few days without Haley. :nonono:

Bad laptop, bad!!!

PS: I had a problem with my 'sleep' function once, couldn't get it to fully wake up, I forget how they fixed it tho...
Yeah my laptop is my life so Im holding my breath. Plus Im an idiot and never back up my work. I'll die if I lose all my photos, papers and lesson plans :(

My friend Kathy's boyfriend does this for a living though so he said he would try to back everything up and then reload windows. Fingers crossed it works!

For now, Mike is letting me use his old laptop. It works but its crappy and cant run on batteries (plus it overheats so I have to keep it elevated which makes for difficult typing).
Oh geeze, whata week.

Here I am the good Samaritan, starting schoolthis week and supposed to be studying,but insteadIm working my butt off trying to help arrange this transport for the two beautiful bunnies in MI to MN...

My reward ?

First the laptop (which I still dont have back or know anything about) and now my car decides its time to die on me as well. It starts but wont move forward or backward. I think its the transmission, which could mean a few thousand.

Im ready to cry. Pray for me please if you believe in it. :(

Oh Haley, geez:grumpy:. (Ha, I said it for you with that emot;).)

I'm sorry honey. Yeah, a tranny is pretty much what the car's worth lots of times, and that sucks.

You're such THEE SAMARITAN for everyone and everybun, that I'll give you your AWARD now. :blueribbon:and a hug. You deserve one.:lurker

I wish you luck! I hope it's nothing major with the car and maybe call the guy with the lappy and demand an update:p:).

Oh no! :(

I was about to post in that transport thread howeven half a Haley isabsolutely awesome, and I wasn't sure how you do it all. The Rescue Me section (and the rest of the forum) is so blessed to have you.

You SO don't deserve these problems.

Here's hoping, praying, sending vibes- the works -that the tranny just needs a little fluid or something.

Thanks so much for all you do. :hug1

Oh haley :( I hope it's not your transmission! What kind of car is it? I've been through transmission Hell for years!

Ack, my post was eaten. I just wanted to say I was thinking of you.

I had to replace the tranny in my 2001 golf, and I was able to get a good deal by finding a used tranny in a parts place that gets parts from vehicles that have been in accidents etc (hope that makes sense).

Sending you easy laptop fix vibes, easy transmission fix vibes, and win the lotto vibes!
Thanks guys. And thanks for the laughs that stemmed from referring to my transmission as a "tranny". Ive never hear it called that before..tranny means something entirely different in my mind. lol

Anyway its so weird bc I just got a call from the transmission place that has the car and apparently its not doing it for them- its running fine. I am so mad I had it towed there this morning and now its not doing it.

Theyre going to keep it and look at it more tomorrow. He said it does sound like something serious but its difficult for them to diagnose it when its not doing it for them..
Oh no! Sending lots of thoughts your way Haley, I hope both problems are fixable. :hug:

Haley wrote:
Thanks guys. And thanks for the laughs that stemmed from referring to my transmission as a "tranny". Ive never hear it called that before..tranny means something entirely different in my mind. lol
My thoughts exactly! :laughsmiley::p
I KNOW!! I saw the word "tranny" and couldn't stop giggling...needless to say, "transmission" wasn't the first word that popped into mind, lol!!

I hope things get better for ya, Haley...believe me, as of late, from the past year, I know what it's like to feel so much stress...I hope things lighten for you soon...

Well I just found out I do need a whole new transmission. Good news is they have one from a "junked" jeep with one 20K miles on it...bad news is its still going to cost 1400.00

No news on the laptop yet. Kathy's bf has it (RO member Evey). Im trying to be patient with him but theyve been so busy adopting a gazillion bunnies that no wonder he hasnt had time to work on it! ;)
Yikes, missed this thread!

I'm not getting notifications, between my mailbox always being full because of the traffic and my failure to properly set watched threads. :(

Ugh on the tranny news... and what's so funny?:huh (I used to work in motorsports, tho not 'drag' racing if that's what you mean). ;)

Any word on the laptop?

s :hug1
I got my laptop back finally! :)

Its running great, although the hard drive was corrupted and I lost everything.

Luckily 350 beautiful bunny pictures were saved by photobucket. I lost all my papers and lesson plans and many 'human" photos.


Everyone, back up TODAY! I always say Im going to and never do it. :(
Oh wow, Haley...I'm happy your computer is back up and running...but that stinks to lose so much. Good thing you have the ones from Photobucket, though...

We just put all of our 2007 pictures onto CD, so thankfully, we have that as backup.

I encourage others to do the same, if only to keep things neatened up! :)

Also, you can resave and use the pictures you have in Photobucket...I've done it a few times now. :)

So happy to have you back, Haley! :D

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