My MIL is a nurse, and she told me recently that the hospital she works at *is* doing layoffs right now, despite the fact that they are already understaffed.
Frankly, I'm not sure how she manages, she is kinda loopy and lives in some little world of her own devising. I'm also a little annoyed, if my husband is sick, her standard response is Vicks Vap-o-Rub. Regardless of what he has. Vicks is her cure-all. Either that, or she justsays, "oh, that's terrible," and then moves along.
Iwas also annoyed, when Nickhad stasis and needed Sub-Q fluids, I was really nervous about doing it myself even after the vet showed me how and gaveme all the supplies. Talking to her about it, she said something about how easy that should be, but then wouldn't come over to help. :grumpy: