Nicky Snow
Well-Known Member
i'm volunteering to bunnysit anytime.
i'm volunteering to bunnysit anytime.
Either I'm gullible or I misunterstood. They don't as big? I'mmore into them for personally but it kinda bums me they don't get asbig as the other colours. If you were joking/being sarcastic, I'll feelstupid. :nonono:Shuu ! you can alwaysuse the " But the Blues dont get quite aslarge as the other colors ,. then say ,Oh geesshhh ! someone Fibbed to me lol . Being aMom I know If I didnt know thedifference I most likely would fall forthat hook line and sinker .If I remember correctly I think BlueGiants mentioned for factthey dont get as Large asthe other colors . You shouldask her again .