Active Member
I found that I got less discouraged with my bunny when I realized that he is not a cat or a dog but a bunny who is still scared that an eagle is going to swoop down and eat him. My bunny is 3 now and he definitely loves us but we more co-exist than hang out. He stays on the floor in the same room as us and if we want to see him we have to go and sit with him. Occasionally he will will run up and sit on the couch with us but only for a few minutes a few times a month. He does not sit in my lap and I never pick him up unless I have to. I guess I am just agreeing with everyone who is telling you it might take your buns a little time but she'll get comfortable. My bunny is still learning to trust me to this day. Any time I give him new food or a new toy he doesn't trust it and it takes him time to warm up to anything new or different.