I have to agree with Nela when she says it's not Rocko's fault. I hope you have someone who likes bunnies and will take good care of Rocko. He felt threatened and that's why he showed his aggressive side. It happens to us, humans too, doesn't it? So I hope you find him a place where he can show his good side! Maybe you can send Lindy info on a private message. I trust Rabbits Online, their advice made my bunny live 1 more year, he was dying, no vets in my country could take decent care of him, it was everyone who gave me advice here who saved my bun!
Also, this is a very secure website because I donated more than once and they got all my info (including cc) and no info was ever insecure or used wrongly!
So if you want Lindy to take Rocko, don't worry about giving her your info - she wants to help!