I'm confused about papaya

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Queens, New York, USA
After reading a bunch of posts, it appeared to me like rabbits LOVE papaya and that its one of their favorite treats. So i went out to buy some, cut it up and gave some to Rice and Beans (not Marshy cuz she desparately needs to lose weight) and niether of them ate it!! I left it there for a long time to see if they would eventually try it, and they didnt. whats up with that? are there some rabbits that just dont like papaya? is it rare for a rabbit to not like papaya?
The enzymes in papaya is what is good for them (and tastes great!), so most love it. I give Misty papaya tablets (from the nutrition store). At first she left it, but the first time she tried it, she's never looked back, LOVES it, but it did take her some time to give it a try.

Did they TRY any of it? If they haven't even bitten into it, I would give it time, they'll come around - and be papaya lovers like most buns.

hmm, ok ok. ill try again. they never even tried it and i have this paranoia about bugs and stuff so i got scared ants were gonna come if i left it any longer but im gonna try again. ill give it to all three buns.
Like humans, all rabbits taste buds are different. For instance, Iszy LOVES strawberries and Pristine hates them. ;)
Lissa wrote:
Like humans, all rabbits taste buds are different. For instance, Iszy LOVES strawberries and Pristine hates them. ;)

Well I figured as much but I was justs kinda shocked because I had heard all these stories about how rabbits went CRAZY for papaya but then to have niether of my rabbits even touch it was a little bizarre to me, especially since both Rice and Beans seem to love all fruits and veggies i put before them. (those heffers!)

Edit - by the way, what do the enzymes in papaya do for rabbits?
Papain is a natural occurring enzyme in Papaya. This is a proteolytic enzyme,which aids in the digestion of proteins, thereby promoting healthy digestion in the body. In other words... It is a Digestive Aid to keep the system moving. I know Pebbles has lots of poop after I give her papaya, and papaya tablets.

Rainbows! :)
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
Well I figured as much but I was justs kinda shocked because I had heard all these stories about how rabbits went CRAZY for papaya but then to have niether of my rabbits even touch it was a little bizarre to me, especially since both Rice and Beans seem to love all fruits and veggies i put before them. (those heffers!)

Edit - by the way, what do the enzymes in papaya do for rabbits?
Mine don't really go crazy for papaya. They will eat it though. I know that they both LOVE bananas. ;)
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
Edit - by the way, what do the enzymes in papaya do for rabbits?
It's debated... it's supposed to aid in digestion and help with the whole issue of helping the buns pass the hair they ingest. Many use is as a preventative measure.

Many believe it has no effect at all. I don't know if there has been an final conclusion, but I work on the principle of if I'm going to be giving the buns a treat, I may as well give them something that may be good for them at the same time.

Did you know you can peel the skins from the papaya and feed it to the bunnies. :cool:
I forgot to mention that I feed dried papaya to Pebbles too.

Rainbows! :)
HoneyPot wrote:
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
Edit - by the way, what do the enzymes in papaya do for rabbits?
It's debated... it's supposed to aid in digestion and help with the whole issue of helping the buns pass the hair they ingest. Many use is as a preventative measure.

Many believe it has no effect at all. I don't know if there has been an final conclusion, but I work on the principle of if I'm going to be giving the buns a treat, I may as well give them something that may be good for them at the same time.

Oh, I thought pinapple does that. I feed my buns pinapple occassionally. They absolutely LOVE pinapple juice! They lick the bowl clean when i give them that.

Lissa - both my rabbits LOVE banana too. It's funny cuz Rice isn't really a big eater but when i give hera piece of banana i can tell when she is getting full but she keeps trying to shove it all down her throat. I'm always telling her "Mama, you so silly. Gimme back some of that banana before u make yourself sick." Then she gives me this death glare and i give it back.
funny you should mention this ilovetegocaldron,when i first heard about papaya on another forum a while ago,everyone was saying how their buns went crazy for them so i tried them on my buns and they wouldn't touch them for ages,they would just sniff it and walk away,i said "fine,be that way"mine did not go crazy like everyone said,i kept on trying though and eventually they had the courage to try a little and they finally ate it,those were the tablets.

I then hunted high and low for the papaya fruit and found it nowhere and now i have just realized why i couldn't find it,we dont call the fruit papaya here it is known as Pawpaw lol

Pepsi only eats dried papaya.. I think fresh papaya is too mushy for her, so she just gives it a lick then forgets about it. :D I buy dried papaya cubesmade for birds, and she loves them!
cheryl13 wrote:
I then hunted high and low for the papaya fruit and found it nowhere and now i have just realized why i couldn't find it,we dont call the fruit papaya here it is known as Pawpaw lol


pawpaw, thats cute! lol

btw - i left some papaya out for all 3 buns all weekend, Rice is the only one that ate it, and it took her a looooooong time before she did.
Are my rabbits the only ones in the world that don't seem to like fruit? or carrots? Basil, cabbage and celery they love but if you put fruit down for them they're not interested, and if you try to hand feed them it you get headbutted away!!

parsnipandtoffee wrote:
Are my rabbits the only ones in the world that don't seem to like fruit? or carrots? Basil, cabbage and celery they love but if you put fruit down for them they're not interested, and if you try to hand feed them it you get headbutted away!!

yea, thats odd. have u ever tried to give them banana?
parsnipandtoffee wrote:
Are my rabbits the only ones in the world that don't seem to like fruit? or carrots? Basil, cabbage and celery they love but if you put fruit down for them they're not interested, and if you try to hand feed them it you get headbutted away!!


Mocha doesn't usually like fruit either. She's actually glared at me and given me the butt for offering pear, which her hub-bun Loki was more than happy to eat for her. And none of my rabbits will touch banana. At all. They wrinkle their noses and hop away. Fey had banana-flavored medication once, and even when it was mixed in pumpkin (her favorite) it took a lot of convincing to get her to eat it.

Although I have seen Mocha eat blueberries. They just got in season so they're cheaper, so I'll try them with her again. And she'll eat raisins, but she'd rather have oats. The closest thing to "real" fruit she'll eat is pumpkin. Which is technically a fruit.

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