I'm beside myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Corky's Cave, , USA
CORKY IS IN THE CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!! We went backfor a follow up and he said to finish what meds I have for him (whichis just tonite) and then we're DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said hewants me to keep a close eye on him for the next couple months to makesure the infection doesn't flare up again, but for now we'redone. I could tell Dr Mark was almost as happy as Iam!! I said you don't wanna see him again, he said sure I do,he's my buddy...but not for this and then he went....:yes:

You all have NO idea how happy I am about this.....its not evendescribable....I had to laugh, after Dr Mark told me, Corky startedkissin me!! LOL!

:ele: :colors: :sunshine: :highfive:

So I just wanted to share since you've all pretty much gone thru thiswith me...your support and understanding has been great!!


I don't know if I'm happier for you - or for Corky! Bless his heart...he's been through so much.

Yay for Corky!!! (Wish I had a pic of a happy dancing bunny to post here...:D)

What a great vet Corky has, and what a great mom to see him through all of this!


Bassetluv wrote:
Yay for Corky!!! (Wish I had apic of a happy dancing bunny to post here...:D)

What a great vet Corky has, and what a great mom to see him through all of this!

We have the little white dancing bunny emoticon. When you openthe page to send a reply you'll see the emoticons on the left side.Athe bottom of the the box it says more, click it and itopens even more emoticons and the dancing bunny is 2nd row firstone.



So glad everything turned out so well, thank goodness..

This board should send a huge *hug* to Dr. Mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go, Corky!:jumpforjoy:!:jumpforjoy:!:jumpforjoy:!:jumpforjoy:!

Dr. Mark is great, but i'm sure all your love and care made a difference in how fast Corky healed up.

LOL...thanks Tina! I'd never taken the time toclick on the 'More' for the emoticons before (probably because anotherboard I used to belong to said that, but there really were no more thanwhat was already displayed).

So now I CAN use the dancing bunny! :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance: Way to go Corky!

(Oh, and I have to post this! One of my favorite bunnies of all time...:thumper:)


Thanks all ,just had to share thenews!!! I couldn't wait to get home and let everyoneknow!! He's out playin in the playpen and doin extra binkiestonite....almost like he knows! He even had me askDrMarkabout Rogain for Bunny today....heh. He's got a spot that doesn't wanna grow back, hesaid prolly with his next molt it should if it hasn't before.Told him it'd be nice, but if not, OH WELL!!!

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