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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
I was asked to come back and thought I woulddrop by and say Hi. I believe the last time I said anything on thisboard I announced that Luke had died. Im still upset about that buthave decided to no longer raise lops because of heat problems.

A few updates-

I have bought a new mini rex baby named Tater and will attach a pictureto this post. She is a chocolate tort otter but looks like a red.Genetically she will get along with my reds so she will soon be addedto my additions (though right now she is still in VA)

I am going to the ARBA Convention and can't wait for that to start. Myfriend is coming from Aransas Pass to join me and I cant wait to seeher again.

I have set up my new website- Tater is not on there yet :(

Leo went to a show May 6th and took 2nd place

My cousin had a big baby boy named Braydon Anthony Byrum after a long 2day labor and the process of shock about it being a BOY and not a GIRL.Then Braydon went in for surgery and everything turned out all right.Now the only problem is no matter what he refuses to breastfeed.

I guess thats it. I got out of school May 25th and May 26th was mybirthday. I didn't really get anything :( But had a lot of fun. On June16th I am leaving to go visit my dad for 2 months. I can't wait but amworried about Leo being here without me and am thinking about sneakinghim on the plane in my backpack though am worried it wont work.

Well, I guess thats it. Not sure if yall missed me or if I justrepeated myself after last time I posted up here. Other than that seeyall later.

Joscelyn, Leo, and Tater:colors:
:bunnydance::colors::elephant::colors:heybunnylover!!!:hug::wave2:wave2:wave2:wave2:bunnydance::colors::elephant::bunnydance:welcomeback!!!:welcome1:welcome1:welcome1 of course we missedyou!!!!!:jumpforjoy::biggrin:tongue i was beginning to wonder whathappened to you!!!:wink:
This is my 1000 post,,,, is everybody ready!!!

Ok, thanks for welcoming me back. I was so upset about Luke and I stillmiss him but luckily we had just gotten a new camera when I got him soI have only like 500 pictures of just him. I missed yall to. I havebeen on 2 other forums a lot lately because of ARBA Convention comingup!

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