Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!
I don't think ihave been on the forum for 5 monthslol...because of school and everything. I have VERY bad news toreport...we have lost our rabbit Snowy
I don't think I haveever cried or have been so devestated in my life!
We suspecthe got out of his outdoor hutch during the night...and thenhenever returned. I keep on thinking itis myfault....I WISH I COULD HAVE KNOWN HE WAS GONNA RUNAWAY THAT NIGHT!!!!CAUSE THEN I WOULD HAVE KEPT HIM INSIDE!!!
I'm sooo mad atmyself:X
I miss Snowy sooo sooo sooo much!! I LOVE USNOWY!!
I hope he heard that *tear*....i hate thinking boutit cause it makes me start to cry. On the other hand, Cotton Ball isjust fine, but i'm sure he misses Snowy too. I just wanted to know howeverybodyand there rabbit is. I welcome every new member thatjoined the forum while I was away. Well I hope everybody is excitedabout celebrating Halloween with there bunniestomorrow!
heheh...well feel free to postmesseges down...i want u to let me kno how u and your bunnies rdoing!
I probably won't be coming back to say hi again untilAprilor May. I miss everybody that I kno on the forum, and Ican't wait until June...which is wen I'll be finished school and I'llget to go on the forum everyday again
Well, do me a favourand everybody on the forum give there bunnies a big hug and kiss forme, and i'll talk to everybady again in a few months. BYE EVERYONE ANDTHERE BUNNIES!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
I don't think ihave been on the forum for 5 monthslol...because of school and everything. I have VERY bad news toreport...we have lost our rabbit Snowy