I'm back, ... Again

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
Heey everyone.

I'm sorry i've been away for a long time, I've been really busy. But since monday i've gotten alot more time on my hands.

Monday afternoon I went to see a Psyciatric (sp) my pediatritian referd me too. We talked for over an hour and she said ' You know what, I think you have School Phobia' .

That was after I explained to her that I havn't gone a whole week of school since grade 5 and would siriously do anything to not have to go. She said that most people enjoy school, if they have something to look forward too. After all my missin all I have to look forward to is extra work to catch up, questions from friends on why i've been away and lunch detions.

So far I've missed...26 days this year. I'll usually cry, and have very bad anxiety attacks. She taken me off the old medication my pediatritian gave me to stop the anxiety attacks and anything else I was prescribes because most medications have hormone suppliments, which affect a persons mood, and their anxisness.

I've also lost 15 pounds in the past.. month. Not because I don't eat but because the stress of school. I eat alot, some people gain weight when their stressed.. not me. I used to be 165 now im 135 .. okay thats 30 pounds ? Argh I can't do math today :D

Anywayss. Back to the point.

I'm now on homerest until January/Febuary where we'll have a talk and see if it needs to be longer. Until then I get my homework everyday and return it the next. I'll still see her every week but she wants to have a good talk then.

I'll be around more to post :biggrin2:
I read this thread the other day but I forgot to reply and no one else has so I thought I would :)

I'm glad your back, I hope everything goes well and everything :biggrin2:

Becca x
Hey Brandy,

I'm glad to see you've been diagnosed and are being treated. Phobias can be such a pain, can't they? I remember my entire academic education was one huge nightmare...I had (have) social phobia and because of it - and some other issues - I absolutely dreaded going to school. I'd sometimes feel sick the night before going, and if we had to do anything that involved speaking out in class I was petrified and would have mild anxiety attacks. Unfortunately I was not diagnosed way back then, so struggled to get through. With the proper meds you'll find a big difference! Glad to see you're back posting again too. :)
She actually dosen't wasnt to give me meds, she also told me to stop taking the ones I wasalready on for anxiety, and something else but she told me to get off them and they were just packed with hormones that just made everything worse.

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