I'm Afraid I Went Too Far: Starving Surrounded by Hay?

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Active Member
Jul 2, 2009
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, Kentucky, USA
A couple of months ago, I found a local source for orchard grass hay and I was thrilled that I could offer my three bunnies virtually unlimited quantities of hay, which I could not do when paying $20 per bag for a five-day supply at the pet grocery.

As my bunny Silver had gained quite a bit of weight, I decided to reduce their pellets and feed primarily hay and their veggies, with just a few pellet meals per week. Since then, they've had hay around the clock, and two small veggie meals per day. They are also out on grass for a few hours several times per week.

Until today, the only change I noticed since increasing hay was that my lop, Hope, was drinking and peeing more. But today we found fly eggs (not maggots) on her, and in the process of carefully inspecting her to make sure there were no open sores, poopy areas, etc., and in removing the eggs, I noticed that she was quite thin.

My other two bunnies are not thin. Silver is as fat or fatter than ever, and Winter seems lighter than before the hay increase, but still a healthy weight/muscle combination. But Hope is a larger, older bunny and has had a harder life.

About two years ago, Hope came to the shelter where I volunteered as part of a starved trio whose owner brought them in because she could no longer afford to feed them. They were bone thin and had nibbled off all of each others' hair. I would hate to think that even with hay available at all times, Hope has has been feeling hungry. But seeing how thin she is today, I am afraid that must be the case. She was certainly eating the hay, but clearly, it wasn't giving her enough nutrition.

I put her back on pellets (with hay & veggies) starting today. Tomorrow, I will get her some oats, too, as I've read here that they may help her gain.

Among the lessons I've learned is that I wish I had weighed my bunnies regularly. I really have no idea how much she may have lost, or how gradual the weight loss has been, as she hasn't been weighed since she went in for her spay surgery. I carry her out to her expen almost every day, so I'd like to think I would notice sudden changes in weight or tone, but I didn't.

I would weigh her now and then increase her pellet intake, monitoring her weight weekly. Keep in mind that hay doesn't have all that much nutritional value. A young healthy animal will do just fine on a diet high in hay, however an older animal needs more easily available nutrients. An increase of drinking water is normal when an animals is consuming a lot of hay- it's dry and takes moisture to digest.

If she continues to not thrive it may be something other than feed that's the cause.
Has she had her teeth checked lately? Maybe she's having some teeth problems and it's hurting to eat. And she lost weight that way.

Just a suggestion,:) April
Flies generally prey on the weak and vulnerable animals.

I would question whether or not your bun is well and healthy. It might be something 'easy' like spurs, but it could be something else. If your bun is old, or has 'been through the mill' then maybe there is something else going on, obviously though, there could be something else going on in a previously healthy bunny.

I would gradually increase the pellets, maybe add a pinch of oats (regular oats, not quick, etc), and also maybe look into using Nutrical twice a day with him. I would also suggest a thorough vet check in addition to that.
As a general rule, most older bunnies need to be supplemented with alfalfa-based pellets to keep their weight on. Just as alfalfa is crucial to growing juniors, it can be just as important to older buns. I think you will see significant improvement after she is supplemented for a few weeks.

I agree that a thorough vet check would also be a good idea, just to make sure everything else is in order.
Thank you all. I agree a tooth check is in order. I'll see if I can find a vet to take a look and if her teeth look fine, do a blood draw to check her kidney function. I looked on the HRS and found a bunny vet here (we just moved here a few months back) and she has an appointment for Thursday, which was the first available.

Fingers crossed!

This stuff always makes me worry about how I care for my guys and makes me feel I don't do enough, I just pray that hope gets better asap, Least you realised before it was too late.
That's great :) If you get a blood test just ask them to check for the things they would suggest checking for in this instance, not just necessarily the kidneys. Hopefully they will give a good going over and it will find nothing, but its always worth checking :)

Please let us know how it goes.
Since they are outside some, they might be more prone to getting worms..I know that can also cause a rabbit to lose weight.
Hope went to the vet today and the blood panel will be back tomorrow. They said her teeth looked pretty good--not perfect, but not likely to be causing the weight loss.
The vet called with the results today. Kind of frustrating, actually. She is a tiny bit anemic, and has something else that I can't remember that was a little elevated, but nothing amazing or that would in itself explain her weight loss. So, the vet wants to do the whole thing again.

At over $150, I don't know that I am itching to do it again right away, and think it might be better to wait and see if the return to pellets does or does not bring Hope back up to weight in another couple of weeks. If it doesn't, that might be time to hunt for more clues, but if it does, then I'll be happy to write the whole thing off as dietary.

It might also be worth giving some Nutri-Cal too, a pea sized amount morning and night should be fine. It can help boost them up.
This is a very late follow up, but I wanted to report that Hope is doing fine these days. Increasing her pellets brought her weight back up and she's had no further signs of flies, increased peeing, or anything else wrong with her. Except for her bad attitude, but that's just her;).

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