I'm a little concerned about baby Einstein.

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Nov 21, 2007
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Northeast, Ohio, USA
Let me tell you that I'm trying not to completely lose my cool and freak out. I'm deciding to post rather than torture myself with the, "what if's," despite feeling like my writing is going to jinx whatever may or may not be going on with baby Einstein. I've also decided not to call the vet until tomorrow morning. And, then, only if necessary. I tend to go completely overboard and I'm trying to stay in the here and now instead of in fear. But, if I need to contact the vet tomorrow morning - or God forbid before then - I'm willing to do so.

Einstein's not acting like his usual self. For those of you who don't know, he's an approximately 4-month old red-eyed white lionhead. He's been in my care for somewhere around a month and while he's always been skittish, he's typically a happy-go-lucky little guy. I've never had a problem getting him to eat, drink, or poop. And there lies the problem this weekend.

Overnight Friday he didn't bother with his pellets, hay, or water. And he seemed sluggish all throughout the day yesterday, but he did pass the, "treat test," and was eating and drinking a little, so I wasn't overly concerned. And he was still pooping, so that was definitely a plus. Well, he did better with his hay overnight last night and finished everything I gave him and I've also caught him munching on his pellets and drinking water today. But he's still a little off from what I can tell. I've not noticed any unusual nasal discharge, coughing, or sneezing [although he will sneeze from time to time]. He's not shaking his head more than usual or acting bloated or gassy. His poop looks normal. He tolerates being held and pet, but when he's in his cage or even out, he doesn't want to do much. He's played a tiny bit, but seems a little more tired and lethargic than usual.

I'm planning on giving him [and all my guys really] some pumpkin tonight as a precaution and my game plan is to just wait it out for the night and see if he's a bit more active in the morning. He's definitely not in any pain and on all other accounts seems normal. If he doesn't eat or drink or if anything changes, I'll definitely call the vet immediately. But I do tend to be an obsessive worrier when it comes to my pets and I often make mountains out of molehills. Let me stress that he really is acting somewhat normal and is at least eating hay, drinking, and nibbling on pellets. But if there's something I'm not doing that I could be, I want to know. And another opinion on whether or not I should call a vet tonight would be helpful as well.

I think I need to try to stay calm and not overreact because that can be influincing his behavior as well. Any suggestions or is there something blatant I'm missing? Aaahhh! I guess no one ever said that being a bunny-mom was easy...
*huggies* You'll be in my thoughts.

Not to worry you some but that's basically what Nilla sounded like 3 days before he crossed the bridge >.< I would take him to the vet only because of my personal experience and lack of wanting it to repeat itself. Especially because my Nilla did seem to get better right before he went.
So he seems pretty normal other than the fact that he is not as active as usual? It might be that he is settling in after a month.

However, if you feel that something is off, I say take him to the vet. Better safe than sorry and only you will truly know what is best for him.

Good luck and please keep us updated.:hug:

Has your weather changed in the last 24-48 hours or so?

I notice with my lionheads that when a cold front starts to come in - they sleep more and they just don't eat as much....

Einstein is doing much better this morning. Thanks to everyone who offereda prayer or advice for my baby boy.

I did wind up calling the vet last night before I went to bed. I was concerned and felt that I couldn't live with myself if something happened to him that could have been prevented. The vet, however, agreed that I should give him some pumpkin and maybe a tummy rub, but that I should wait the night out to see if he improved in the morning. I did both and I'm relieved to see that he's acting more like himself today.

He finished the hay I gave him and he has eaten some of his pellets. I saw him munching on them both last night and earlier this morning. He's also been drinking regularly. And I've seen him tossing some of his toys around and I've heard the occasional thump, so I'm confident that he's doing alright.I'll keep in touch with the vet and will bring him in if anything should change, but he does seem like he's turned a corner and is doing better. I'm so grateful...

And, Peg, the temperature has shifted some. It got colder here midweek and hasn't changed since. I didn't even consider that the weather may have something to do with his change in behavior. I'll definitely keep an eye on that, but for now it seems like we're back on track.

I'm going to let the little bugger out for some free-range time so I can keep an eye on him while I'm working. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. He's such a sweetie and I just hope the worst has blown over and that he'll be okay.
I'm glad he's doing better. It's really odd how sometimes they seem so different than normal. I know Clover and Bo get quieter in the winter months and sometimes eat less. Maybe they think they are semi-hibernating! LOL!

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