If you won the lottery, what would you do?

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I know that for me, if I won a substantialamount of money (we're talking millions) I'd do a couple ofthings...first, I would purchase a large Victorian house in thecountryside (in the southeast U.S. somewhere). Then I'd have a largebarn/building constructed, large enough to house all sorts of animalscomfortably, and I'd have it designed for all creaturecomforts...heated, large specialized rooms for rabbits, and a separatesection (or perhaps separate barn) for a horse. I'd take in any rabbitsthat were in desperate need of a place to stay and would house themuntil suitable human moms or dads could be found for them.

I'd alsotry and find shelters in need of funding and helpthem out, especially if it were to make the difference between thembeing a shelter that's forced to euthanize due to lack of room or help,and turn it into a no-kill shelther.

I'd probably also make donations in other places, such as childrens'hospitals and hospices. And I'd have a lot of fun handing outmoney to people randomly, just because it would be so great to do.:D

Oh, and I'd buy a new pair of shoes...mine are constantly falling apart...;)

So...what would you do with the money? What is your dream?:)

I'd have a house full of foster rabbits.:embarrassed:

And maybe go back to school to be a vet. The vet college isabout 4 hours away, plus I'd still have to work. So that's ano-go right now.

And we'd probably open up a game store.
I'd put a million of it in savings, to get theintrest from it. The other parts of it would probably besplit among my diferent animals building a barn, dogpark, and animalsancuarty, and a little going in to a art room and house for me.
I would buy a house next to Basset. I would beable to adopt a child from China like I want. I would help my family.Parents, grandparents,and siblings.

I would be able to stay home and start a petsitting bussiness. (Something I have been thinking of.)

It's funny we could come up with the money toget there, the money for the whole adoption. Thing is now there isafinancial requirments that are killer.

Financial Requirements

The family must show a positive net worth (assets vs.. liabilities) of at least $80,000.00.
Seriously? She'd be out then. She's a lawyer but she'll be paying off law school for a very long time.

You'd think with all the orphan babies they have over there that theywouldn't be as picky. No wonder I hear more about peoplegoing to Russia now. The rules can be so silly. Iremember hearing stories of the hassles my aunt and uncle went throughto adopt my cousin from South Korea.
I want to adopt from Guatemala. Weplan to in about three years. I'd love to get a set oftwins. We're waiting on my daughter to be four or five beforewe adopt. I have wanted to adopt since I was a littlekid. Luckily my husband loves the idea, althoughIbet he'd rather just adopt one kiddo. He really wants toadopt from Asia. When did China's financial requirementschange?

I'd do the same as a lot of you, buy a nice house, donate money tochildren and animals in need, buy my parents a house, get a nicer car,adopt my twins, and stuff like that.
First I would Fix up this house, sell it. Then Iwould buy a bigger one with more land, andstart up a RabbitRescue, since there is none to be found around here. Not even theHumane Society takes in Rabbits. Last but not least set up Collegefunds for all four kids.
Oh wow...Millions? Almost inconcievable for me...

hmm...tithe 10% then...

oh wow...

Well - I'd pay off our house and car and the kids' student loans.

Buy hubby a farm outside of town somewhere - maybe sell this house and move out there

Build a rabbitry that is attached to the farm house but not IN the farmhouse (like my current one which is in the sunroom)

and maybe buy more rabbits? (Just kidding on that).

from there....only God knows what we'd do! But I know Art would keep working....and I'd probably keep on writing....

Rabbits!! Lots and lots of rabbits.....



I'd go on a trip around the world - everywhere.

Buy a house in the Swiss Alps, and one in France.

Build a big house here for my parents.

Build some sort of memorial to Berri.

Weird, but I'd like to start a really good pet store here, well maybein England, it would not sell bunnies, but would take in rescues andhave homechecks before they were sold, all spayed and neutered. I'dprovide all the necessary information (and direct them here of course)There would be good cages - only large solid hutches and NIC cubes withgood plans for them

lol I talk about this subjecct with my husbandall the time. I would buy my own house with a swimming pool so I couldget exersize (I have bad knees and i am only 19) =/ I would make everyroom in the house to my exact specifications, a big tub and a walk inshower with a view would be awesome lol :D I dont know what else Iwould do actually, the only thing I ever think about is owning my ownplace and getting out of the place I am now =/
Thge very first thing that came to my mind, wasto buy myself one each of the fastest and best looking cars in theworld...then I remembered that I can't really drive...
I would buy someone a house. Someone that REALLY needed one...but I'm not sure who that would.

I would also get us a house (quite a lot like the setup bassetluvmentions), and it would have to be somewhere in the Midwest, well awayfrom Tornado Alley. It would have space enough for all theanimals I want to have, and have enough acerage to possibly have alittle zoo (not petting zoo) for kids to come and learn about animalsand animal care.

I would also get a van for myself and a work truck for my hubby.

I would make sure our house had a separate guest house, so people couldcome visit us and stay as long as they like because they would have aseparate space to stay in. People like my dad would reallyenjoy something like that.

As for room for the bunnies...I would figure out a way to have anindoor space that's got PLENTY of space for them. Maybeanother guest house, or an extension off our house that's a separatekind of space (maybe with a door or some such). I would havefurniture in it for them, as well as play areas, and big hugs stuffiesthey can hang out with. It would be made in such a way that Icould go in and play with them all. And forget fosters, Iwould just pick up all the bunnies from BunnyLuv, after they help meget them all bonded, and give them that space! :D

I would build a neat ledge space about two feet from the ceiling thatruns along the walls, for my kitties to lounge around, look down atpeople, feel like the king and queen that they truly are. Itwould have a ramp going up to it, and coming down, and go through holesin the wall to get to the next room. I saw it on a show once,and it really looks like a fantastic idea! Not to mention allthe kitty houses I would get them...I've always wanted to get them thathuge tall kind that's made to look like a tree. :D

I would have a DECKED out kitchen (hey, you've seen mine...) so I canplay with recipes and have all the tools I need to trulyplay. I've always wanted to try my hand at being a chef, so Imight take classes at that. But I would love to have all thetoys at home so I can produce those amazing recipes for myfamily. :)

Other than that, donations to animal-helping funds, donations tovarious organizations that help people in need, I would give loads tomy church, and I would give young girls that are in the same kind ofsituation I was in (stuck in a horrible family situation) the thingsthey need to truly be able to GET OUT of those situations. Ihave a few friends (and a couple that are members here) that I wouldgive anything to help...but just don't have the space or thefunds. And I know they would be SO happy with my helpingthem...and I think they know I would if I could, too. One dayI intend to be well-off enough that I'll be able to do that.:)

I would have a library...that's right, a library...containing all thebooks I love, that has plenty of space for more. :D

I think that's about it, really...some of those sound pretty selfishwhen I write them down...but hey, I'm being honest, hehe! :D

Hugs and love to all!

I completely agree...have you seen the video I made of our house??

Check it out here (first vid on the page), and you'll understand why I have such grand ideas about a house, hehe!!

Amberry wrote:
I think I would love buyingother people houses because I know how bad I really need one and itstinks not being able to have one
I just watched it, reminds me alittle of how Iam living, I live in a 12 by 13 foot room and I only go out to use thebathroom, my husbands makes all my food because of how badly I feel inthis place, I hate being here. It is his mothers house and I am notcomfortable at all here. I feel like I have stayed over at a friendshouse WAY too long and it is time to go home... except there is nowhere else for me to go.
Awwww .......I wish I could do something to help....

See? You're exactly the person I would buy a house for, too...:(


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