Well-Known Member
Okay, here's a quick background. I befriended a10 year old boy who had a lot of family problems. Mom's a drunk, dad'san abuser. So I became like a big sister, and spent half my paycheckson him to make sure he had good clothes, shoes, and nice things. About6 months ago, his mother and I decided that he was responsible enoughto get an animal. He chose a bunny rabbit. He named it Thumper, and itwas a beautiful light beige netherland dwarf. He babied that rabbit, asdid I, and I spent a fortune on it constantly with toys and such.
I get a call a few minutes ago that made me want to gag. While he andhis mother were gone, his friends decided to go over and taunt therabbit. They poked it and chased it to see what it would "look like" toscare a rabbit. While they were in the midst of chasing it, the rabbitdropped dead, most likely from a heart attack.
What'd they do next? They fed it to the [bleep]ing dog!
Okay, I'm thoroughly sick now.
As I said in another post about Cheryl's rabbit who was brutallykilled, kids like these are the ones who will grow up to be on the newsfor drowning puppies and bar-b-cuing kittens.
*Shakes head*
I get a call a few minutes ago that made me want to gag. While he andhis mother were gone, his friends decided to go over and taunt therabbit. They poked it and chased it to see what it would "look like" toscare a rabbit. While they were in the midst of chasing it, the rabbitdropped dead, most likely from a heart attack.
What'd they do next? They fed it to the [bleep]ing dog!
Okay, I'm thoroughly sick now.
As I said in another post about Cheryl's rabbit who was brutallykilled, kids like these are the ones who will grow up to be on the newsfor drowning puppies and bar-b-cuing kittens.
*Shakes head*