If this isn't animal cruelty, I don't know what is...

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Okay, here's a quick background. I befriended a10 year old boy who had a lot of family problems. Mom's a drunk, dad'san abuser. So I became like a big sister, and spent half my paycheckson him to make sure he had good clothes, shoes, and nice things. About6 months ago, his mother and I decided that he was responsible enoughto get an animal. He chose a bunny rabbit. He named it Thumper, and itwas a beautiful light beige netherland dwarf. He babied that rabbit, asdid I, and I spent a fortune on it constantly with toys and such.

I get a call a few minutes ago that made me want to gag. While he andhis mother were gone, his friends decided to go over and taunt therabbit. They poked it and chased it to see what it would "look like" toscare a rabbit. While they were in the midst of chasing it, the rabbitdropped dead, most likely from a heart attack.

What'd they do next? They fed it to the [bleep]ing dog!

Okay, I'm thoroughly sick now.

As I said in another post about Cheryl's rabbit who was brutallykilled, kids like these are the ones who will grow up to be on the newsfor drowning puppies and bar-b-cuing kittens.

*Shakes head*
That's so horrible. That poor bunnyand the poor little boy to lose his bun in such a horrible way when hehas had so much to deal with already. At least he has you asa friend. If you know the names of the people who did it thenreport it to your humane society. We have the RSPCA I'm notsure what yours is called over there. I hate it when peoplesay "oh they were just kids" If I had killed a defencelessanimal when I was a kid I would sure as hell have known what I haddone. It could almost be understood if theygenuinely didn't know how scared it would be and thought you could justplay chase with it like a dog and were really upset when the harmed it.But the fact that after that they fed it to the dog shows a completecontempt for its life and for the feelings of the family which isreally sickening.

Can you call the police about this? You'd probably need the kid's mom to call also to file charges.

Kids like these need to be in the system. They can grow up todo more than hurt animals. When they're older, they oftenturn to abusing humans.

That poor little bunny. And that poor kid! Please give him my condolences.
Well, the kids who did it were 13 and 14, theylive right down the street from him, and they are complete hoodlums. IfI'm not mistaken, his mom has filed a complaint with the police aboutit. Unfortunately, probably not too much will be done about it.
These posts are making me sick!! How comes thereare so many thug kids out there now!!! And where do they getoff hurting anything, let alone a little animal thats done nothing tothem.

I hope they get what they deserve but if its anything like the UK theywill get a little slap on the wrist and do something worse later!!!
I dont think I can write what I would like to do to them!!!:gun:
MyBoyHarper wrote:
Well, the kids who did it were 13 and 14, they live rightdown the street from him, and they are complete hoodlums. If I'm notmistaken, his mom has filed a complaint with the police about it.Unfortunately, probably not too much will be done about it.
Iwould see to it that something is done about it. Put pressureon the kids parents, the police, the SPCA and whoever else you have to.
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
I would see to it that something is done about it.Put pressure on the kids parents, the police, the SPCA and whoever elseyou have to.
I told them that they need to file a complaint with the SPCA, as wellas the police. Contacting both, in my opinion, may get more done aboutit than just a slap on the wrist.

I honestly think his mother will just let it drop, which is sad to say.The area they live in is a rough neighborhood, andshe'sscared of"starting any trouble with theneighbors". :rollseyes:Which is RIDICULOUS! If someonebrutally killed ANY of my animals, I'd do a lot more than start alittle trouble with them. I would fight it tooth and nail until theperson responsible is locked behind bars, or in juvi hall.

Oh that poor little boy! That is so disturning.IT MAKES ME SO MAD ABOUT THE YOUTH THESE DAYS!!! Most of theproblem is the kids parenting! Mistreating animals, in another threadgetting pregnant. What the hell is going on with young people thesedays? Do they not think anymore?! It makes me so angry I could shootsome of the people around my age from their stupidity.. SO ANGRRY!:banghead

If I had the chance, I'd shoot those boys.. they aren't doing any goodin society so might as well be better off gone.. that's going to soundvery bad and biter but it's my outlook now on these stupididiots of people!

I can't even express my feelings.. I just feel hatred so deep it makesme want to do something!! If you have no respect for animals, whatgives people the thoughtthatyou have respect foranything?

I'm so sorry aboutThumper, and that poor boy :(. Poor little thumper :(.

In the meantime, I'm as mad as hell :rant

That poor littlerabbit.:bigtears:I can't believe how sick some kidscan be, what they did is absolutely disgusting., it makes me soangry.I really hope the police take action against them.
I completely agree...in fact, when profilerslook for a serial killer of a certain kind, they most often check theperson's past to see if they'd done such things to animals.It's cause to worry...


Poor little bunny...binky free, little beauty!! :jumpingbunny::rainbow::pink iris::heart:

naturestee wrote:

Can you call the police about this? You'd probably need the kid's mom to call also to file charges.

Kids like these need to be in the system. They can grow up todo more than hurt animals. When they're older, they oftenturn to abusing humans.

That poor little bunny. And that poor kid! Please give him my condolences.

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