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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
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, , USA
I was just looking for some practical advice on this particular issue.

Ivory will take Nutrical pretty readily, Erik won't. I've been wondering if perhaps giving Erik Nutri-Cal to help with his molts would make it easier one him, but there are some other things that worry me about it.

Firstly, Erik's stomach appears to be clear, but I worry about putting something such as petroleum into him. After the incident back in November, I get really paranoid about what I put into him. He gets a fair amount of wet greens every day, and I've found that this has worked WONDERS in helping his gastrointestinal system run smoother.

I don't *think* that a small amount of Nutril-Cal (a pea-sized portion) would distrupt this well-running cycle, but I do worry a little bit. I think the nutrients would really give him a good boost and really help push him through the molt. So I'm thinking that it would be worth it. If it does what it should, I'd think that it would help with everything.

Anyone got something? I'm thinking of going with it.
Someone just recently said to give them nutrical for molt. I was going to get some and forgot..... Bo's molt has been horrible. I have been giving him a few black oil sunflower seeds here and there and he's really done better but the molt really hasn't changed.... other than it's finally coming IN instead of going out LOL! He's a mess - I have a video I'll put on later.
Nutri Cal isn't a petrol basedsupplement like products such as Felaxin or Petromalt.

It's a corn syrup base, so the concern in some animals could be the high fructose sugars. However, because such a small amount is given, this generally doesn't appear to be an issue.

I'd start out with a small smear and watch for any poo issues.

Here I am thinking that Nutri-Cal is petroleum based....

I think that I'll give Erik a small smear. And Ivory, since she will get jealous.

I think it may help boost everything. I'll let everyone know how it goes!
It might boost their immune system, and also their energy levels from the B vitamins. I know my buns tend to be a little lethargic when they are shedding really bad. Also, if I remember right the Vitamin E can help soothe the intestines.

Does Erik like canned pumpkin? I've found that to help a lot during molts. The extra water plus fiber really seems to make the bunnies feel better and makes their poops look more normal too. Less strung-together poops or small poops.
Haley wrote:
Ive never heard of anyone giving nutrical during molt- is it supposed to help boost their immune system?

Molt is a stress factor that can decrease a rabbit's resistance to disease. Nutri Cal is a high cal, easy to metabolizesupplement that can help to boost the rabbit's resistance and vigor. The protein in Nutri Cal can help to pushthe rabbitthrough the molt.


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