I want this bunny!!

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Okay, update!! I just got to my dad's house after traveling since 11 last night, so bear with me as I'm pretty darn tired. I got an e-mail from the shelter and they said that they cannot hold the bunny for us, but that she's still there as of the 26th. The lady also said, and I quote, "I will do my best to be of assistance, I’m sure that we can figure out a way for Jamie to head home to you!" I e-mailed her back and hopefully I'll have something else to report tomorrow. Paul isn't going to be back in town until the afternoon of the 31st, so that's 5 days in which someone else to snatch her up! Hopefully the lady at the shelter can work something out with us, otherwise I get the feeling we won't be getting this bunny because someone else will take her:sad:
i hope every thing works out, and assumming it does...........

Holly? or Marie from the Nutcracker? i had a book when i was little and one of the bunnies names was Snowy Bunny! Poinsettia?


Okay, another update! I'm really glad to hear that our shelter has a bunny lover at it, this lady has 11 rescued buns of her own! She e-mailed me back and told me that Jaime actually has a bunny boyfriend, but that they could be separated and Rory sounds like a good match for her. It seems very mean to separate a pair, but it's very likely someone down the line will do it anyway and even then their new owners might not be nice. I wrote back and asked if they're bonded and how long they've been together. If they just met at the shelter in the past couple days, I wouldn't feel too bad about separating them. I wish we had enough space to adopt BOTH Jaime and her friend!
My baby girl bunny was adopted by someone else this evening :cry4:The lady at the shelter sent me an e-mail to let me know. The people didn't adopt her friend, either, so poor little Achoo is all alone. She said she was not impressed by the new owners and gets the feeling they may bring her back. That's just horrible, poor little bun going off to a not so great home. She would have had a great life with us. I guess she wasn't meant to be mine, but I feel like she was stolen away from me! I'd still be sad if she'd been adopted by awesome people, but the fact that the lady didn't think much of the new owners makesit much a hundred times worsebecause I think she would be happier with me. Hopefullythe lady willlet me know if she's brought back to the shelter. It just seems so ridiculous, the poor bunny is the one who will suffer! Even if I do eventually get her, she will have had to spend time in another home first and then be brought back to the shelter, then get used to living with us. Every bunny deserves better than that! If only I could have stayed home over winter break, we would have gone to the shelter and adopted her first thing the day after Christmas and she could have been our adored baby forever.

Awwww I'm so sorry!! :(:hug: I wish there was something I could do.

But if the adoption lady wasn't impressed, why did she let them have her?
Montana, I was wondering that myself! I don't think the lady I spoke with got to make that decision... I really wish they could have held onto her since she had a family waiting for her.
I think you should email that lady though, and tell her to make sure if for any reason they do bring her back, to keep her held for you and Rory.
thats insane to me that they wouldnt hold the bunny for someone who they KNOW will take good care of them...i guess some "Shelters" dont have there head in the right place...

i'm so sorry hun. I know you really had you heart set on this one. maybe it wasent meant to be and that an even better bunny who needs you will come your way!
Another update! The lady wrote back and said that she put a note in Jaime's (the bunny) file that if she ever comes back to the shelter, I need to be contacted ASAP so I can come get her. She also said that one of her own rescued bunnies is a bit temperamental and doesn't like her husband or her other girl bunnies, but if she hit it off with Rory and I (and Paul since Rory occasionally nips him too and he'd prefer a new bunny that likes him and this girl doesn't like her husband) she'd be willing to give her to us since she'd be happier with a mate in a family with fewer bunnies. Her bunny is a black mini lop and is due to be spayed in three weeks. After her spay, I'd be happy to go meet the bunny and let her and Rory go on a "date". At this point I just really want Jaime though! Also, she said they have no othergirl bunnies at the shelter right now but the Anchorage shelter is going to send a couple girl mini lops up in a little while.

The policy at this shelter is a "first come, first served" one. That's why Jaime was allowed to be adopted by the other people, even if the lady wanted to hold her for me. She said that if Jaime is returned, it will still be a first come thing so we'd better get down there right away to claim her if that happens! This policy does not seem to be pet friendly to me :(

I'm also missing my Rory Bean right now because he's a few thousand miles away. The pet sitter said everyone is going fine and he let Rory out to hop around, which I'm glad for. I e-mailed the Christmas picture of Rory to the lady at the shelter and she said she showed everyone on her shift and they all loved it because he's so darn cute. That's definitely the truth! Plus, he's definitely a "happy ending" pet who came through their shelter.

I think I'm going to see if my dad will take me to some pet stores to see the bunnies today. There aren't any buns at shelters near here (I think because post Katrina things are still getting worked out). I doubt I'll be buying a bunny since I have a definite preference now for shelter bunnies (since they need me more)and I'd prefer if Rory could meet her first, but it might be good for me to play with some cute baby rabbits.
Sorry things didn't work out for you to get Jaime. I know how you feel about just being certain that a specific bunny will be the right fit for you. Wish the shelter could have held her for you.

But maybe there will be a bunny girl out there who needs you (and Rory) even more. Hang in there and enjoy the rest of your visit.
I'm sorry about all that. :( It sucks when you think that a rabbit is meant to be yours then it doesn't turn out.

But there is a bunny girl out there waiting for you to find her to take her home to Rory! Just don't give up!

And I'm sorry about you missing Rory. I bet he misses you tons too. Next time though I am bunnysitting!

Hope you have a great trip! :hug:
MY Rory! :disgust::X I demand that the Macey be sent to us! She is exactly what we're looking for! I'm in Louisiana right now so I could be at your house in a few hours... :wink
Today I e-mailed the two rabbit rescues in Alaska! Both are several hours away. There are a lot of bunnies, but only a couple females for some reason. There's this little girl, isn't she pretty? So feminine! http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=8523916

Also, I found out that the pair of lops I had wanted to adopt (before Ifound my Rory) have a new home! I'm so very happy for them, they sounded like awesome bunnies. They are actually two very closely bonded males! http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=9435791
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Today I e-mailed the two rabbit rescues in Alaska! Both are several hours away. There are a lot of bunnies, but only a couple females for some reason. There's this little girl, isn't she pretty? So feminine! http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=8523916

She's very lovely. I never had anything other than lops before Captain Snow...but he's got me sold on mini-Rexes...so soft.

Of course, he is also obnoxiously demanding :shock:, but he deserves to be spoiled.

Are you thinking about this girl?
Bunnicula, yes, I am thinking about this girl! She seems like a lovely rabbit. The rescue she's in has 4 or 5 other unspayed females looking for homes, too. Right now I'm not sure where our new bunny will be coming from though, as there are so many possibilities and all of them involve somehow transporting the bunny several hundred miles (aka hard to introduce to Rory so he can pick) or waiting a couple months (the black mini lop who's going to be spayed almost a month from now). Here's another "contender"- a Holland Lop breeder in Wasilla has this sweet girl. She was born and raised in their home and raised with lots of love and is apparently very sweet and affectionate and likes other bunnies. They wanted to breed her, but she keeps re-absorbing her litters or just not getting pregnant so they want to rehome her. Her breeder tried to breed her one last time and she's due to kindle next week, she saidwe can adopt her if she doesn't have the babies,or if she does have babies adopt one of them or adopt herafter the babies go to new homes. She is a broken frosted pearlholland lop and you can tell she's one bun that's comfortable with people!

Also, to the breeders out there- should the fact that she has been reabsorbing litters or not getting pregnant be of concern to me? Of course I'm going to get her spayed, but could this be indicative of health problems?

SO GORGEOUS!!!!! :shock: Wow!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh you better get her! Lol. I don't think it's a sign of any health trouble, maybe it's due to stress? But I bet the breeders know more about it. :)

I'm totally in love...
MsBinky, isn't she beautiful? SO cute and pretty! She sounds like she has a great personality too, but I think I might feel guilty if I adopted her instead of getting a rescue bunny. It's true that she's in need of a home, but I doubt her owners would ditch her at an animal shelter and it seems like animal shelter/rescue buns are the ones that are truly in need of homes and I wouldn't be helping a homeless rabbit by adopting her. Of course I don't have a problem with people who choose to adopt rabbits from places other than shelters and rescues (Cinnabun was from a pet store!), it's just that there are several other rescue bunnies available (even if they're far away) to me and the one rescue is at full capacity and they can't bring anymore needy bunnies in until some of the ones they have find homes.

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