I want answers too! :D

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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London, UK

Seeing as there are so many people on here who seem so great with breeds, then I wonder if anyone could give me some insight into both of my bun's breeds? I'm fed up of calling them 'white with brown dots' and 'black and white bunny', because it makes me sound like a child LOL!

I would also love to know at least part of their heritage.

They are both fully mixed, but I was wondering (PAM!!!! :D ) if anyone could help me describe them?

I'll try and post pictures of their face shapes, their body shape, and ears etc. etc.

Pippin is about 6 1/2 pounds


Baby picture might help:






BENJI- who is about 5lbs ish





Benji appears to have more rounded, short face, with ears that are thick and very rounded at the ends. He's also quite dainty, fluffy and light.

Pippin has a longer face, almost more pointed, and his ears are thin, and quite pointed at the end. He is quite a big, squishy bunny with a seemingly thick coat, and not that fluffy.

Thanks guys!!! Wow me please :biggrin:


Pippin appears to fit the UK Dwarf Lop description, while Benji looks more like a UK Mini Lop (albeit on the large side). Love Benji's dalmatian pattern!
Benji Looks like a broken Magpie color wise. Beautiful. :) Pippin on the other hand just seems to be a charlie.

Pippin I can see being a lop cross because of his ear control, but Benji I could see being purebred, like someone else said, though, not well bred.
Erins Rabbits wrote:
Benji Looks like a broken Magpie color wise. Beautiful. :) Pippin on the other hand just seems to be a charlie.

Pippin I can see being a lop cross because of his ear control, but Benji I could see being purebred, like someone else said, though, not well bred.
I agree with the colors. It's not uncommon for purebred lops to exhibit ear control.
Wow guys- I didn't expect such great answers so soon!

I have almost definate breeds and probable colours!! Thanks loads :D. Knew I could count on you all ;)

So they may not be total mutts? Wow. And I have never even heard of those colours.

Yeah- Benji has practically no ear control whatsoever- little pricks forward but barely anything. Pippin, on the other hand really does have great ear control and a range of how he holds them.

So Benji- probable broken magpie UK Mini Lop, and Pippin probable charlie UK dwarf lop?

I love Pippin's gorgeous eyes, and Benji's 'dalmation' look :). We have new neighbours, and the little girls in the back garden where peering over going 'Mummy look! A dalmation bunny!!'.

Yeah, Benji's color is a broken harlequin. Pippin is broken black, but a charlie, meaning she has two of the spotting genes which gives her a lot of white and not a lot of color.

I don't think they're mutts at all! They look pretty purebred to me.
Is magpie the same as harlequin?

Ah okay- broken black charlie? For Pippin? (he btw :p He'll stamp if he gets called a 'she', I'm sure)

I think you can just say broken black, and the charlie part is assumed. Not sure. And sorry, "he"! Wouldn't want to anger the divo the he is ;-)

Harlequin is the basic color, then it comes in different varieties. The basic variety is the black and orange called Japanese. Can someone explain magpie? I always thought it was just grey and black, but now I'm reading online that it's any variety of harli other than the basic orange and black color? I'm confused :p So basically he's broken harlequin (which can also be called tri-color, for simplicity), but I'm not sure which color of harlequin it is, so I'll agree with Erin's magpie answer. I would just say tri-color. Haha.
Ah okay, thanks a lot Laura.

Hahahaha Pippin has forgiven you :roflmao:

You can honestly tell what a dunce I am about breeds and colours etc. I honestly know near-to nothing about it lol.

Harlequins come in eight different colors with two different color groupings. Japanese is color in conjunction with an orangey fawn color, Magpie is a color in conjunction with white.

So, a tri would be a broken Harlequin genetically. A broken magpie is just that- a broken magpie. :)
pamnock wrote:
Pippin appears to fit the UK Dwarf Lop description, while Benji looks more like a UK Mini Lop (albeit on the large side). Love Benji's dalmatian pattern!

:yeahthat:I agree that Pippin is a broken black. He is a charlie but that just means he has little or no coloring on his body. Benji would be a tri color (a tri is just a broken harlequin).

I have no clue why I posted this :pI've just repeated what everyone else said.
Erin, thank you for the explanation on harlequins!

Would he be Japanese then, since he seems to have an orangey color plus black plus white? Though the orangey color is faint and only on his ears really. Would a broken magpie just have two colors - white plus the additional color?
I think the Japanese harlequin looks like a kind of checkerboard of solid orange and solid black? I am probs totally wrong LOL but I thiink i've seen that before.

On very rare occasions, japanese harlequin can be a black/fawn combination instead of the more common black/orange.

So, inmy opinion, his coloration is a broken black/fawn japanese harlequin :)
Inle_Rabbitry wrote:
On very rare occasions, japanese harlequin can be a black/fawn combination instead of the more common black/orange.

So, inmy opinion, his coloration is a broken black/fawn japanese harlequin :)

Ooohh this is getting really interesting!!!!! :D


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