i want a rabbit

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no but my cats dont go in my room so that wouldntmatter anyway! & if it went in my room da rabbit would b in thecage anyway! i ave fish & they dnt eat them! they cnt get 2them so will dat matter?
Well, that's excatly what I was saying in thefirst place...if you keep your rabbit ina place where thecats can't get to him, then it would be fine....

But yes, there are many people who own cats and rabbit who coexistbeautifully....there are many cat and rabbit photos in this forum..butI can't seem to find them...
I have 4 cats and one rabbit, and I've never hada problem with the cats trying to hurt the rabbit. All of the cats areex-strays too. If you're worried about such a thing, then you may wantto look into a larger breed of rabbit and not a dwarf breed.
I know Becca..I used to love to have my dog in myroom, but since I've gotten Cosmo, I just wont let her in thereanymore. I made an exception for the safety of myrabbit...but who knows, it could very well work out for you...justalways take it slow!

i am lucky to have my dog like my rabbit! but mybunny doesnt seem to like her! LOL my dog doesnt really seem to careabout my pets.. she sure is wanting ahold of Buster my bird andChicco-Baby my gecko! LOL
worried_becca wrote:
im not worried bout it eatin it but i lyk my cats comin inmy room while im asleep as they lyk sleepin on my bed & i wantmy rabit 2 b safe if i leave da door open!

If you're worried about the cats scaring the rabbit in the cage, throwa blanket over the top at night, and put a box to hide in inside thecage.

A medium to large breed rabbitcan beat the tar out of theaverage size cat.:pOur cats are utterly terrified of therabbits, even though the rabbits are just trying to be friends.

I'd be more worried about dogs. Of course, our cats are wimps.;)

If you get a rabbit that outweighs the cat (think New Zealand,Palomino:D, Californian, Flemish) you shouldn't have a problem.Hopefully!

It's definatly okay to have an indoor rabbit.
My bunny Emmy is an indoor rabbit
Just make sure that you give your rabbit{s} time to run around in the house

I'm sorry about the burglary. How awful :( They took your bunnies away.
I would just die if Emmy was taken away like that. I love her TOOOO much:shock:

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