i want a rabbit

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Mar 27, 2005
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london, , United Kingdom
i realli want a rabbit, but me parents dont wantit left outside because the last tym we had them a burgular came intoour garden & took them away! i love rabbits & i wanted2 know if u can keep them in the house or is that cruel? pease help me!luv bec
My house theres two rooms, 2 bathrooms and a deckarea which we dont use so thats were my bunnies makes alivingbut i mostly leave him in his cage cause if he goesout,they never come back in :shock:
My rabbits are all inside. I think itworks out well that way because it is easier to spend time withthem. They have a room that they share with myferrets. It is totally rabbit/ferret proofed so they get tospend time running around in that room. They sometimes get touse the hall and my bedroom too.

Hi Becca...welcome! Personally, I thinkit is a good idea to keep your rabbits inside. There is lessof a chance of them getting diseases and being attacked by strayanimals! Less chance of fleas..and less chance of themrunning off...however I'm sure rabbits adore an occasional, supervised,romp outside! If you buy a big enough cage (you can even makeone), they will be very happy inside. My rabbit chooses tospend most of his day in his cage....Good luck!

cirrustwi wrote:
Myrabbits areall inside. I think it works out well that way because it iseasier to spend time with them. They have a room that theyshare with my ferrets. It is totally rabbit/ferret proofed sothey get to spend time running around in that room. Theysometimes get to use the hall and my bedroom too.

How many rabbits and ferrets do you have? and wont they poop everywhere lol?
Becca, it is actually better to keep your rabbitin the house. It is safer for them (as long as you bunny-proof) and itusually allows you to spend more time with them. Rabbits are cleananimals, they hardly smell, and they can be taught to use a litterboxjust like a cat.
Rabbits are a big responsibility though, and just as much work as a cator dog. (My rabbit is actually more work than all 4 of the catscombined! lol) They make wonderful pets, but are not for everyone, soyou'll want to do tons of research before you get a rabbit. They alsoneed to be spayed or neutered to be kept as a house pet, which is anexpensive procedure ($100-$200)

Many of us rabbit owners are sensitive about people buying rabbits ateaster. They look all cute and cuddly, but they turn out to be nothinglike people expected, and many of them never meet their first birthdaybecause their people grow bored with them, neglect them or toss themoutside (a horrible fate for a rabbit.)

So please do your research before getting a rabbit. You need to knowwhat to expect and what you should prepare for. A great website thatyou and your parents should look at is www.rabbit.org This website isdedicated to the care of house rabbits. If you have any questions,please feel free to ask. There is lots to know about rabbits, and evensome of us who have had rabbits for years are still learning!

Also, I'd like to suggest that if you do decide to get a rabbit, thatyou wait until after Easter. The humane societies and shelters areflooded with unwanted easter bunnies in the weeks and months aftereaster, so they would be the perfect place to find your new pet. Youmay even find one that is already neutered and litter-trained.
And you'd be saving a life.
It's true, there is a lot of cleaninginvolved...but I love my rabbit so much and I want him to becomfortable, so I'm happy to clean up after him.....

You just have to know now that it is a lot of work, and you will bedoing a lot of cleaning...if you get a rabbit, show your mom that youare responsible and make sure she doesn't end up being the caretaker ofthe rabbit, you are! You have to be commited...
she says that because we have cats she is scared2 let them run about wiv the cats! my nextdoorneighbour who is one ofmy m8s has a rabbit & lets it run about outside freely& my cats havent done a thing towards it so i think she iswrong!
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
The really ironic thing about the fleas is that outsiderabbits actually don't get fleas as often as inside rabbits. Weird, eh?Maybe that's just coincidence but I attribute it to the fur becauseoutside rabbits generally have a thicker coat and fleas have a reallyhard time living in a think coat.

An inside rabbit that has contact with other animals can easily getflea. One member on here only has one rabbit and that's it and herrabbit ended up with fleas!

Hmmm....I guess I didn't know that, thanksBunnyBoys!

Cosmo is an indoor bun, I really hope he won't get fleas...that wouldbe bad! ooo...I can't even think about it! I'mexcited for when Cosmo trusts me a little bit more to put on hisharness and take him outside! This morning my window was openand he was reacting to all the new birdy sounds outside, because he wasborn in November and isn't used to those "spring is here"sounds! I'm excited to see what the future holds!


It's the irony of this strange, strange world we live in! haha

Like, my dog has never gotten fleas and has never been on a fleamedication like frontline or anything...although recently, (since wejust moved to more of a rural area), we have been giving her "FleaTreats" which makes her body produce this smell that repellsfleas...but humans cant smell it, of course! She loves herflea treats!
i no lyk bunnies arent 4 easter because i decidedi wanted 1 a long tym ago but wiv da tragic death of 1 of ma cats itescaped my head but i still ave 2 cats but i fink they r harmless 2wardrabbits as they r mostly in da garden or sleepin!
You can always keep your rabbit seperate from thecats....my rabbit does not have free range of the house (although manylucky rabbits do)...my rabbit only lives in my room, and he seems verycontent....I can't let him out because my dog would most likely hurthim, and well, I have cats, but I'm not going take any risks...maybesome time in the future, but not any time soon...
VNess2010 wrote:
You can always keep your rabbit seperate from the cats....myrabbit does not have free range of the house (although many luckyrabbits do)...my rabbit only lives in my room, and he seems verycontent....I can't let him out because my dog would most likely hurthim, and well, I have cats, but I'm not going take any risks...maybesome time in the future, but not any time soon...

but i no my cats wont hurt it because me nxtdoor neighbour has a rabbit& it runs bout da garden freely & da cats just dnt giveit a second look!
I agree with MBB-every cat and every rabbit isdifferent! Even though the cats may not be hurting therabbit, it can still stress a rabbit out...and prolonged stress can befatal....keeping your new rabbit away from other pets is a good ideawhen you first get him, it gives them a chance to get used to their newsurroundings, without having to worry about predators...