I want a bunny and found him.. but..

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Oohh I hope he's still there! You must be so nervous!

You know, I think if somethings meant to be, it will be. Good Luck and keep us posted!
Congratulations!!!:elephant: That little bunnyis beautiful, and It's a Rex!!! I'll say a prayer that he's still therefor you.:pray:
I am very nervous and excited. What if he isn'tthere? What if they get caught with too many animals? But also, thisrabbit seems to care a lot for this human and the other way around. Ijust pray it all works out.

Oh yeah, we really really want pictures!
I hope I hope I hope!! I feel like going thereright now and banging on the door until someone lets me in. After allsomeone must be there to feed and water them all!

So I am having trouble coming up with a name... any suggestions?
Any good news for us yet??

I tend to like human names (maybe naming him after your bf's middlename or something to thank him). Whenever I am naming a bunny I like tolook around at baby names on the web (I am partial to British names forsome reason) :)

Good Luck!
He's still there!!!!!!! I am going to pick himup tomorrow right when they open!!! When I get home and finish offdecorating the cage I will post pictures of it.

Ok I need names!! Thanks for being so supportive you guys, it means a lot to me.

Jason suggested Mr. Velvetdeer although I thought maybe Velvetteerwould be better since it emphasises "velvet" more, since he's so soft.I kind of want a cute rabbit name, but am not opposed to human names. Ilike germanic and celtic names esp. and nothing too normal sounding. Italso should be able to be shortened into something cute... :) heheThanks everyone!! :elephant:
Hurray!! So excited for you!!!

Have fun building the cage and let us know if you need any advice!Also, when you adopt, make sure you get some of the food they have beenfeeding him. Usually the stuff shelters feed isnt that great, so thatway you can have some to wean him off of if you need to.

Keep us posted!
YES HE IS!!! :colors::bunnydance:Heseems to like his new cage, and he was making friends with the catthrough the bars of the cage. I just got him home like 40 minutes ago!Here are some pics, as I didn't want to disapoint! hehe Thanks forbeing excited for me Haley! :)

Awww little munchkin! He went up to the second floor of his cage! ThenI opened the doors and went in and petted him and was asking him for akiss and put my hand near his mouth, and he gives me one little licklike ok fine here mom, now can I go play? LOL.. Oh I hear him playingwith his toys! He really likes the grass mat too. I ordered him acottontail cottage too so he will love it when that comes!





The cage- 4x2x2 nic cubes. I think mine are 15"x15" each..



Hurray! :happyday:

He is one lucky little bunny. That cage is huge! Im so happy for you two. :highfive:

Is he litter trained? I see you have a litter box in there. Just givehim some time in his cage with the door shut so he knows thats hisarea. He should use the box automatically, but sometimes(even if theyre trained) they will mark up the place when they firstget there just to claim it as their own.


You should start a blog for the little man in our Bunny Blog section when you get a chance!

Oh, and did you decide on a name??:bunnyheart
Congratulations! You've got yourself a verystunning bunny there and he looks like he has a great personality. Yourcage looks awesome too, you have it set up almost exactly like mine isright now. How long is it? He looks like her has heaps of room, my cageis 6 foot long and it's so hard trying to fit it into the house layout.

He's just so damn cute, I bet you are really happy that your boyfriend caved in :D.
Yay!! It's great you were able to give the little guy a home!:party0002:

I love him, soo beautiful (and I think the name's perfect! ;))
Uh oh! He peed and did one little poop on one ofmy pillows... is that the ultimate bunny insult or did I let him outtoo long? When I picked him up he grinded his teeth and he hasn't beendoing the scared ears thing so I think he's happy... He also likes hislettuce and raspberry that I gave him, and he's using one of his litterboxes. So maybe it was just an accident.
Congratulations on the new family member! He isso gorgeous, he looks so happy andrelaxed with you! I lovehis cage, it's huge, I can tell he is going to be very spoilt. What alucky bunny. :)
I'm coming in late on this and I wanted to say ,Yes it is absolutely a sign and to get him...which you did!Many congrats, he seems like an awesome bun