I think Pepsi is Lonely/Depressed

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
I don't know what to do. Pepsi has been off hereating for a couple days now, well sort of. Everytime I walk in theroom and open her door, she'll come see me and once I stop petting hershe goes and eats her hay. As soon as I leave the room and watch behindthe door, she stops eating her hay and goes to look out the window.Wehn I go back there and offer her vegetables she'll take it but shewon't eat them out of her bowl.

Is she wanting attention? Is this why she only eats when I'm around? Oris she insecure and finds security when I'm there? I can't be with herevery time she needs to eat, but I try my best to spend as much timewith her as possible.

The only explanation I can think of is maybe try to bond her withPebbles, maybe she's lonely or depressed? I'm going to keep bugging mymom about spaying her and Pebbles so I can maybe try bonding them butshe keeps telling me no. I don't want her to be lonely but I don't knowif having a friend will help her.:dunno

Has anybody ever heard of this sort of thing?

It sounds like she's just a momma'sgirl. Didn't she recently get moved to a different room forthe summer? She might be upset about that, since I think sheused to be in your bedroom before. She'll probably adjust intime, but she might need extra attention until then.

How old are Pepsi and Pebbles? It *might* be possible to bondthem without spaying them, but you'd have to go very slowly andcarefully in case either gets aggressive. A second personwould be a really good idea, so there's two people available to stop afight.
Pepsi has always been downstairs, it's Pebbles who was moved downstairs :D.

Pepsi is a bit older then a year and a half and Pebbles is around 5 anda half months (If I did my math right..). I just don't want Pepsigetting hurt :cry2. Pepsi isn't agressive towards other bunnies, I knowthat when she was with a baby back in December. I just can't say thesame with Pebbles because she can be a bit of a brat sometimes. Shedoesn't really show any signs of being agressive, and she isn't havingany hormonal symptoms (yet.. knock on wood). Although if she's runningaround the rabbit room she'll leave little puddles of pee and a TON ofpoop.. but from what I've heard she's just marking her territory?

If I do introduce them, I'll be sure to be wearing gloves andhave a spray bottle and I'll have my mom or dad with me. I'llalso need my cousin to come over to just confirm Pebbles is a girl,because she hasn't checked since Pebbles was 5 weeks old and I lookedand I'm pretty sure she's a girl, but I don't want Pepsi pregnant sorather be safe then sorry!

Thanks! :D

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