I think my baby bunnies are STRESSED.

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I'd like to point out one other thing I don't think anyone has mentioned. If these are brother/sister - you could wind up with problems if you breed them because it could cause problems with the babies (too interrelated). Yes....brother/sister breedings are sometimes done - but with the breeder knowing the risk that any good things might become better - but any health risks can become greater -for the babies.

First of all, at this age - let's worry about getting them sexed. Can you call a rescue organization to see if a volunteer will check them for you for free? While you're at it - ask them if there is any way they can help you get them neutered at a reduced price. Explain to them you WANT to get them neutered but your parents aren't in favor of it and you need to get it done at a price you can afford.

As someone pointed out - recently the rabbitry section has been overrun with accidental breedings. Here are some of the situations thus far:

a. One doe wound up having problems - had one kit - stillborn and had an infection (mom) and should have gone to see a good vet on Friday..I think on Mon or Tues the doe was rushed to a good vet. Will probably need a spay - has been on meds and will continue to be on meds for several days.

b. situation #2 - an older doe was bred (on purpose) at around a year and a half I think....3 stillborn kits. Heartbreaking for the owner and maybe hard on the doe.

c. Another gal had 3 does and 1 buck....she's gone from 4 rabbits- to 25 rabbit - since early December.

If I knew of a breeder in your area - I'd ask them to check your kits for you. Or if there is a rabbit show in your area (attendance is free I think as a viewer)....go and ask a friendly looking visitor to show you how to check your rabbits.

You can find out about shows at http://www.arba.net

Like I mentioned, I WILL get them sexed in a week or so. And I can get that for free, if not about $26.

I don't know any rescue organizations near my area, and I actually know that for sure, because some time ago I was looking for some to adopt a pet.

Haha, no horses! Not a lot of people even have dogs...
Here's a really good website.

They should have a list of all the shelters and rescues in your area. If you go to this page and put in your postal code or city, it should locate some for you!

When I put my postal code in it came up with 114 shelters and rescues. Those where for all sorts of animals, so I would have to go through them to find all the bunny ones.

But perhaps something will show up there?

And if you could get a volunteer to come to your house (with mom's permission of course), they may be able to talk to mom about the spays and neuters.


None near me that does rabbits!

Don't worry, I'll get them sexed by next week, and they will also get some hay.

I'm not even supposed to be online right now, actually. I have to do something that my mom asked me to do. :D

I will be online again in the evening. For now, bye! Leave more posts! Thanks!
For hay, have you tried Walmart or Target? They sell bags of Kaytee Timothy Hay, which would be good for your bunnies for now :) Very cheap too!
Oh yeah, I forgot walmart carries those small bags of hay. I went there yesterday and almost all of the stuff in the small animal section was on sale. The Kaytee hay is usually hrm...$3and some change....but they marked it down to $3. Maybe it was going bad or something?

- Amy

Haley wrote:
For hay, have you triedWalmart or Target? They sell bags of Kaytee Timothy Hay,which would be good for your bunnies for now :) Very cheap too!
Hi, would you mind saying where you live, city,maybe zip code? (you can pm it to me if you don't want to post it). I live in the san fernando valley, but I am somewhat farmiliar with the la area.

Do you know what animal shelter is assigned to you? I work with the la city shelter system.http://www.laanimalservices.com/

the county system also exists. http://animalcontrol.co.la.ca.us/

If you call the shelter, they can likely suggest a vet where they get their rabbits fixed. I believe some of the county ones do it on site. I know they give out low cost spay and neuter vouchers for dogs and cats, I'm not sure about rabbits though.

As far as the hay. Are you sure there is no feed store? I go to the red barn in tarzana. There are horse-zoned areas in la, griffith park for example. There are feed stores. Look in the phone book. They may not be close, but if you get a bale of hay and a big bag of food, you won't need to go back for awhile.
I had an accidental breeding situation myself,not with rabbits but with hamsters. You can tell this one to your mom,too, 'cause I think the numbers work out about the same! LOL

I talked my DH into letting me get two of the cutest little hamsters ever. I thought looking at them they were both female (who knew that Russian hamsters look different than teddy bears?) so they lived together in harmony for about three weeks. Then I take out theri hidey box to clean the cage, and waht should fall out but seven little pink squirmies! To try and make a long story short: We took the little babies to the pet store to find out what they are, right? The lady gets two boxes splits them up fr us and we go on our merry way!

Five weeks later: Holy cow! Six-no, ten-no, twelve more! Then those litters get older, we try desparately to tell which ones are which and separate, but made ooone little mistake, another three weeks and eight more! I think the final count was between 20 and 30 when we finally got them all figured out. Then the ad in the paper, and started finding homes. It wasn't easy sorting out the "I want a cute pet" people from the "My snake is hungry" people. Uggh! I still haven't lived this down,probably DH and I will have been married for fifty years and he'll go,Remember the hamsters? LOL
Hey, Sweetie! I have a couple ideas for you that might help out...

First of all, if you could PM me where about you live, I can help you find a place nearby that you can get some Timothy hay for your babes. If your mom's willing to help out by storing a bale of hay (which can be quite large, but lasts about a year), you can get one for $20 at a tack and feed place. Heck, depending on your location, I'm sure if a member lives even remotely close to you, they'd be willing to split a bale with you for cheaper. Then you'd have the freshest hay you could possibly get, for a HUGE fraction of the cost!

I'm so happy to hear you were able to find a place that'll do thes paying/neutering for a good price! That's wonderful! :)

Also, I have a great idea for a cheap hay rack if you don't have one already. It's called a "mud pan" and you can get one from Home Depot or Lowe's (or some such place) for about $4, and use a couple binder clips to clip it to the cage. Just take out the metal edges at the top side rims before giving it to the buns. Here's a picture of one:


Also, if you're able to find a tack and feed place near you (like I said, PM me and let me know your general whereabouts, or your city, and I can find one for you), they will also more than likely carry something called "wood pellet horse bedding" for a HUGE bag (you might need someone to help you carry it, it's that big) for about$6. If you get a small kitty litter box (for about $4), and put that in it, you can litter train your bunnies. (They will pretty much do it on their own if you either put hay in their litter box, or put their hay rack next to the box.)

To cut down on the ammonia smell in the bunnies' urine, you can get some vanilla extract (either natural or imitation) and add a bit to their water (I put 1cc per 32oz of water). The wood bedding will also help on the smell of urine.

Let's see...what else...I can't really think of anything else right now. If you have to separate the buns, because of fighting,or any some such, post something to let everyone know...we can help ya out on that, too. :)

So, there ya go! I hope all that helps!! :D

It's hard having a parent that doesn't seem to care as much about your animals as you do...I had the same situation with my mother...so I know just what you're going through. I hope the things above will help to not just cut down on the costs of everything, but also make things more tolerable for all involved (hence the advice on the ammonia smell to the urine).

So, PM me...let me know your approximate area, and I can definitely help you out a lot. Also, you can order hay online, if nothing else...but it is quite necessary for bunnies to have in their diet, so we'll all work together to help you find a solution, ok?


