Last night, Naboo was really starting to scare me. He was sitting all hunched up, eyes halfway closed in his litter box and he would not take anything from me. No treats, petromalt, papaya tablets, nothing. Since it was 4 in the morning, I told my mom, but she just told me to go back to sleep. I ended up sitting there and attempting to give him a tummy rub, thinking it was gas, then told my mom that when she woke up for work, keep an eye on his litter box and if he was eating any hay or anything (I had just changed his litter). Luckily, by the time she got up for work, he was hopping around, asking for pets and eating lots of hay, so I think it was just gas, however, I'm still nervous. I'm headed into town (I'm an hour away from Naboo's vet) and I'm thinking that I'm going to have to pick up some simethicone and pedialyte, but is there anything else I can pick up to help him in case this happens again?