jcl_24 wrote:
i already noted them. and got 5 books out about rabbit and babies. and one plain bunny book.Right now, ensuring the brother and sister rabbits are separated would be the priority then. It could just be the case the doe isn't pregnant now but prevention for the future now will save you worry later.
Make a note of the date the two rabbits may have bred. Preparations for the possible litter can probablywait a little while (experienced breeders will know what those preparations should be).
If she is pregnant, hutch space will be needed, more so when the babies reach an age where the sexes need to be split up.
If your Dad is more pet friendly, explain factually to him what the bunnies need. Trying to manipulate yourDad to get what you need probably won't work-for example creating a scene would give him reason to question your maturity even though you might be doing it because youwant a result that benefits your rabbits.
Good luck
Jo x