It was actually Danny's first pick. Ididn't notice the outfit until he did, and I'm normally not much of alace type of person, but thought they were gorgeous!
So, I tried the outfit on, and the shirt didn't fit but the skirtdid...and they didn't have a higher size of we wound upputting everything back and going to another Macy's that they said DIDhave the right size shirt. BUT...they didn't have the rightsize SKIRT at that one, so we wound up buying the shirt at the secondone, and then going back for the skirt at the first, and buying theshoes there, too.
Hehe!! Took quite a while to get everything...but it wasworth it! I must add, too, that the outfit nicely suits acurvier lady than that model. Hehe!!
I'm excited to wear it later on (hopefully).
For to take a nice, long, hot shower without interruptions!! YAY!!

This birthday wound up being so nice...even if we don't go out...I'm happy with the way things turned out.
Thanks for all your love and support, guys. It really helped a lot!
Hugs and love,