Lila you would be referring to your own breed. Well the hima is very beautiful there more like the siamese cat of the bunny world. Both in looks and the fact that there to wrapped up in themselves to frame plus sized buns for stuff....
I would like to officially accuse General Bismark of disliking plus sized bunnies and framing Fraggles. Do to the fact that he is a tan AND his status in the military. With all that special goverment training he is the prime suspect!
Reuben would like to stand up for the General; Reuben is a plus sized bunny, and he and the General are friends! ...aren't they?
Reuben has chewed a few counselling books, and he thinks it likely Fraggles may have broom related trauma, and was facing up to her fears. This is good, and you should reward her with treats for being so brave!
I talked with Serena, our 18 pound Checkered Giant and she thinks it's just political posturing and an attempt to deflect the blame from the real culprit hiding out in a tank.
Is that your way of admitting that the General has a special love for brooms? After all they are skinny just like Tans. Rueben is very noble for standing up for the General. I feel kinda sorry for him being lulled into a state of trust by a wicked tan.... tisk tisk.
Larry or dear Larry. Again Tattoo is a very special Octopus and understands your insecuritys. Its going to be OK though. Ya know Tattoo is very VERY close to "Ink the rabbit" Fraggles vp running mate. Do you think a friendship with such a importent and popular bunny could be cultivated by such unworthy octopus? I think not.
Reuben is right, since The General does not discriminate due by dewlap size or ample fuzziness.
The General may have made some sweet, manly rabbit love to a broom or two in his time, but he would never eat his mistress after such activity. It would be bad bedside manner.
Not that he hasn't recently eaten a toilet paper roll or anything.
Even buns can have a kinky side, that doesn't mean the General has an issue.... special interest perhaps.... I believe Bert and Ernie share the love of a good broom as well.
I have to confess that my dear Houdini also loves to play with brooms and is thin, but he totally adores his bunwife, Cinderella, who is a fuller figured gal herself.
I would look in the cephalopod dirrection if I were you. The tans had to get into your house somehow! Tattoo is working with the tans to get fraggles to step down from running as president. Then his thinly veiled chephalopod friend Ink can step in to let octopi and tans rule! Oh the horrors! :shock:
Lol broom or no broom Tans still have it out for poor Fraggles. Have you ever looked closely at a Tan? Look at one real hard and I swear you will hear Paris Hiltons voice say "thats hot". On another note Ink is a flemish giant and that's just how they look. If were going to give Ink a hard time about being a little plus sized himself then really we are no better then tans....
Guinness wants you to stop blaming innocent tans! It's the Brittannia Petites, she swears! Everything is Dora's fault. Oh, and Guinness has a crush on both Loki (dutch) and Oberon (New Zealand fatty).
Tans peel wallpaper....Tans do it all.
Brittannia Petites are far to petite to take on fuller figured buns... On a side note Truaymica, I am looking for people in the area who are interested in releasing there MIL's into the wild. Im thinking the Olympic forest.... If i can get enough people interested then maybe we can form a colony and return the MIL to its natural habitat....PM me if interested.