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Linz_1987 wrote:
Really :shock:Thats awful. They arereally strict over here if you want to adopt an animal, incase they endup back in kennels. You have to have a home check firstbefore you adopt an animal, to see if your house is suitable enough forthe animal. They also have to be neutered/spayed within aweek of having the animal if they arent done already, to stop anymoreunwanted pets.
the shelters that are trying to make a profit (which is most of themhere) dont care who adopts their animals as long as they pay...the nonprofit organizations here , which are few, will do house checks and allthat stuff..


i would adopt that poor old bun, but do what you think is right! im sure he would be happy!
Hi everyone,

I went back to the shelter and went into the kennel to see the poorbun. It turns out that "he" is actually a "she." Iinspected her and held her for awhile. She was dirty allover, including in her ears and her bum. She was shaking likecrazy because she was right next door to a bunch of barking dogs andwas very scared. She calmed down a bit while I was pettingher and stiffly hopped after me as I was leaving. I can tellshe's very old.

I asked about her and apparently she was dropped off yesterday by herowner who said she didn't have time for her. I can't imaginehow much time it would take to take care of her. She barelymoves. Anyway, she is not available for adoption until the17th, in case the owner changes her mind.

I have been crying a lot tonight. For some reason that poorlittle bunny has really caused the flood gates to open. I'mnot really sure what to do. I don't feel like I can affordanother rabbit. But then I know that if I don't get her,probably no one will. She's old, ugly, andunwanted. Everyone bypassed her while I was there, cooingover the cute babies and whatnot.

I will keep everyone posted on what I decide to do. Ok, gotta go find a tissue.:tears2:
I forgot to mention...I think the reason I am soemotional over this particularrabbit is because she lookslike my childhood rabbit Thumper, who lived for 11 years. Hewas my "heart" rabbit, as Carolyn would say, and I feel in a weird waythat by letting her suffer, he is suffering.
awwww that is so sad about that bunny,i knowthings happen in peoples lives things change,but if that bunny is oldthat means the owner has had her for quite some time,now all of asudden the owner does not have the time,and if the bunny is dirty thatmeans the owner never had time for her in the first place,grrrrr somepeople.

even though i live far away i will be thinking about that littlebunny,i really hope you can take her,but if you cannot i hope someonecomes along and takes the little girl home with them so she can livethe rest of her life happy and loved.

Awww... that's sad! I don't even go into "shelters" anymore, because it's sooo painful to see
all those sweet animals just waiting for someone... and when youknow... well, what will happen if no one takes them :(Honestly, some people just don't care!:X
I think if I were you I'd have another bun!

Oh, nose-twitch, I totally sympathise with you:(. That poor bunny must be so scared, what with being in strangesurroundings and the barking dogs and all. If she is that dirty, thenmaybe she is better off without her previous owner!

I really hope that you can take her, but only do it if you feel you areable to cope, and that it is right for you. If not, do youknow anyone that could take her, then perhaps you could get her out ofthe shelter until they could have her.

Thinking of you, and wishing the best for you and the bun.

I decided I really can't get the bun.My roommate wasn't thrilled when I suggested it, and my boyfriendbrought up the fact that the poor thing might have diseases that shecould give to my rabbit. I don't have enough space toquarantine even.

My heart is breaking right now, and I'm sorry if I disapointed any ofyou members. Thank you for your support and especially to youPatti for your generosity.

If anyone in the Orange county/L.A. area is interested in getting her,let me know. I will go with you and show you which one she is.


I live with this feeling every time I leave the humane society I volunteer at. It's heartbreaking.
I know it hurts nose_twitch but perhaps somekind soul like you will take pity on it. It was nice to bring it to theattention of the board.

On a good note, I am happy to say that my local SPCA is the best! Thebunnies and piggies have a nice big room with nice big cages and thestaff is really caring. I am going to work with them so that thebunnies get lots of running time and TLC. And there is a fairly highadoption rate and it is ano-kill shelter!
I'm so sorry you couldn't adopt thisgal. I understand your decision; we have to do what's bestfor the buns we already have. I know all of us wish we couldrescue every bunny in the world, but sadly we just can't.Hopefully, with your help, this deserving bunny will find a good hometo spend her retirement years. {{{HUGS}}}
Too bad I am not closer. She probably does not have any deseases, just not taken care of well.
