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You need a feeding syringe and either a pellet mix or canned pumpkin. Is there a store open tonight?

Even a little some baby food (or apple sauce) might help. (Mine only like the sweet potato, squash or fruit, sometimes carrot. Steer away from peas and most of the others).

Sometimes a turkey baster or even rubber glove with a hole in it might work in a pinch. You need to mush up the pellets or put the pumpkin in the syringe and ooze it gently into his mouth. If it's still just his teeth and his gut isn't too badly affected, he should be happy to eat it once he tastes it.

Have you tried tempting him with things like parsley? Waving it front of their faces often brings good results, even if they grab it out of your hand because you're bugging them. They often end up eating it instead of throwing it).

How much has he eaten and how are his poops?

If he hasn't pooped in awhile, either, you may need to get to vet sooner than later.

his poops are smaller than usual but he is pooping there isnt any stores open now but he will drink water as long as i hold it in front of his face
KarriS wrote:
his poops are smaller than usual but he is pooping there isnt any stores open now but he will drink water as long as i hold it in front of his face

What have you got that he might eat? You can't try any starches, so no bread or cereal or anything, but you can try mushing up pellets, and/or chop up veggies or maybe a bit of banana or grating some apple or something. Just go easy on the sugars. Fiber (like pellets) is best.

KarriS wrote:
i do have regular apple sauce here would that be ok to give him

As long as its plain apple sauce, no sweeteners or spices, a little would be fine. But just a tablespoon or two. If he eats something, it will probably make him want more healthier food.

ETA: He may eat it without syringe feeding, just try a little in his bowl or on your finger first.

What kind of pellets do you have? Will they mush up well? May want try a tablespoon full of well soaked pellets mushed up with a half tablespoon of applesauce just to see if he'll eat it out of a bowl.

i gave the bunny some apple sauce off of my finger and he licked it off which was a good sign for me then he drank some water, i mixed some applesauce and his food which is a wild harvest, it has pellets and differnt types of vegetables in it. he is very irritable now, he is jumping all over and wont even let me pet him really anymore, he also let me just pick him up without a fight which is unusal to me, i am hoping this works, i am going to post in an hour or so to let you know how he is doing
Ah, that's not very good rabbit food. Does it have hay pellets in it as well as the seeds and veggie bits?

If so, just take out the hay pellets and mush those up.

You'll best start weaning him off that kind of food by buying some plain pellets and adding it to the wild harvest, just more every day. After a month or so, he should only be on the hay pellets.

He probably can't chew that brand of food, so a little more apple sauce might be good. If the wild harvest has fruit bits, it won't be a sudden change.

he is eating the crushed pellets and the apple sauce little by little i am going to see how long he eats then give him his water i will post again in the morning and let you know if there are any changes thank you soo much for your help you took a lot of stress off of me. I really appreciate it
Today when i woke up he didnt eat the crushed pellets with the apple sauce he was just laying there im going to call the vet today and keep everyone posted
I hope you have gotten him to a rabbit-savvy vet today. Sorry that not many infirmary mods were here to help you last night--you got good advice, though. Please let us know how he's doing today.
i called my vet today and they said that it he thinks the main reason he is not eating is because of his over grown teeth,i can tell he wants to eat because he sleeps next to his bowl of food. I took his advice and went and got baby food (carrots,bannas, and green beans) and he hate the carrots out of the syringe. I gave him three servings of it so hope it will hold him over tonght.
I would try to get canned pumpkin puree, or squash baby food. Those have a bit less sugar in them than the carrot and banana baby food. Poor guy! I hope you can get his teeth trimmed soon!

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