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I recently organized a bottle drive to raise money for shelter rabbits.

I only did it for two weeks, and only asked my friends. I raised more than enough money for a neutering..

So maybe you could try to the same thing? Organize a bottle drive. Or a garage sale.

I do not get a allowence, sadly... And I live about an hour away from any MD, or Timmies... :(

As for the working for the vet thing... If I was to have him neutered, he'd be taken acrossed the border, to a vet over there... ...

I'll talk to my mom about lending me some money...
timetowaste wrote:
april, what exactly is a bottle drive? inquiring minds are wondering here...:)


Sounds like recycle drives - cans, bottles, paper etc.
timetowaste wrote:
how can you make any money off of that though?

My friend pays for her gas every month just by recycling all her bottles and cans. Not much cause all cans are like 5 cents each but they do add up to a nice chunk of money.
Are there any motels or cafes or resturants in your area?

If there are just do what i did you go in on a non busy day and ask if theres any kitchen hand, dishwashing, cleaning, waitressingor laundry jobs going thats how i got my job waitressing/cleaning when i was 14. If they say theres nothing you can ask them to take your number so in the future they need people youll be first contacted.
Are there any motels or cafes or resturants in your area?

If there are just do what i did you go in on a non busy day and ask if theres any kitchen hand, dishwashing, cleaning, waitressingor laundry jobs going thats how i got my job waitressing/cleaning when i was 14. If they say theres nothing you can ask them to take your number so in the future they need people youll be first contacted.
I think I've found my soloution! :)

I talked to mom about selling some of her products, and getting half the money.. She's let me do this before, so I think I'll do it again...

Now, all you horse people, wanna give me a hand!? lol... :)

Also, how much is a neuter?
That's great! Good luck with that! :D

It depends, I would just call around. You can sometimes get themfor$80(or even cheaper)and up. Try phoning any local SPCA's to see if they recommend any rabbit vets at all.. although in your area I think they are pretty scarce aren't they?

Yay! :D

Ohh - just to add... I think you've looked at these, but maybe tryphoningsome of these places if they are within driving distance?


timetowaste wrote:
april, what exactly is a bottle drive? inquiring minds are wondering here...:)



A bottle drive over here is when you collect cans, pop bottles, glass bottles, juice cartons because each one has a few cents of a deposit. We have a store called "Bottle Depot" where if you take these items there, you get your few cents (Ranging from a nickel to a quarter). It all adds up.

My bottle drives raised quite some cash for my shelter. And today my work gave me a GIANT bag of cans because they thought I was still involved. Back to Bottle Depot tomorrow =P